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Whats the foam for in the alternator cover area?

Mike T

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Just removed my alternator cover on my '06 RT and there is a large piece of white foam in there that looks like it was injected into place. Any ideas on that the purpose of this foam is?

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Sound dampening?
That's what I was told when I posed the question to the service dept. of my dealer a year or so ago.


Also it has a channel in the foam to apparently attempt to route water coming in the vents away from the pulleys and belt. By the looks of the inside area of mine, that part doesn't work too well.

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On many R12xx bikes, the foam holds moisture behind the cover and promotes corrosion in the lower area of the crankcase. I have removed mine.



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Are you sure it's not for packing purposes? There's probably a tag somewhere that says, "REMOVE BEFORE OPERATING".






returning to beneath the rock from which he came. smirk.gif

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Are you sure it's not for packing purposes? There's probably a tag somewhere that says, "REMOVE BEFORE OPERATING".
It's glued in. I suspect it's suppose to stay there.
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It is supposed to hold the large washer in place that the factory assembly worker dropped in there 30000 miles ago. How it didnt destroy my belt... I will never know.

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