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Hello everyone. I've been lurking for a bit, and just wanted to say hi. I'm about 400 miles into my first BMW, and I have to say, it's something different smile.gif Love the site here, the community really seems friendly(not always the case online) and quite knowledgeable.

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Nice to see you here. Enjoy!


Thanks for filling out your profile. BTW, I think you left a zero off of your bike smile.gif


I know she meant to say you left a 1 off your bike. It's an 1100RT.


Welcome to a Great family of friends.

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I know she meant to say you left a 1 off your bike. It's an 1100RT.


Welcome to a Great family of friends.


Um, ah, no, I meant r100. Yeah, it was a limited production model in 97. Yeah, that's it. Only made one of them... dopeslap.gif

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Welcome to the asylum. Glad to have you here. Don't worry about the bike name, I rode a 1997 R 110 RT when I first came here. Another special, one year, one bike model. grin.gif


Some advice: Don't take anything personally. Don't take offense when the mod's move your posts. There is no requirement that the truth is told, in any post (Ride Tales in particular). Don't run over turtles.


If you do the above, you will fit right in.

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Any one who would run over a turtle is a DEMON! They rarely attack and have been known to give soup to the poor.

Oh, and hello to the new guy...we aren't all sincere here! dopeslap.gif

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