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Fall Color - Enjoy the pics


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Supposed to work this weekend to complete the first phase of “Project Manager Certification”. The forecast was for rain, and I have deadlines on this thing... so the timing seemed good. But the day dawned bright and clear, the weather service said rain after noon, and the fall color was calling. Been trying to get back up to Mirror Lake (UT-150) for about a month, so off we went.


We took I-80 East to Wanship and then ran South to Kamas. Then started east on highway 150.


Utah is the strangest place. We’ve been here twenty years and two months, and still I can’t quite seem to see certain things as normal. Kamas is the town where the Singers and Swapp’s live. Polygamists that blew up an LDS “Stake Center” (Place where local congregations meet [no offense to any LDS if I don’t have the exact right terms here]), then held a standoff at their compound, sent out a note that it wouldn’t end until a cop was dead, killed officer Fred House, and finally surrendered. Ten years earlier their patriarch had died in another standoff over home schooling, apparently they had decided to take revenge. One of the networks made a movie about it. And, if you live here, you have to know that rural Utah is a vary conservative place. We are the "reddist" state, and it isn’t really the urban areas that do that, SLC for instance has a liberal democrat for mayor. So, here you are running around what may be the most conservative part of the country, home to extreme religious fundamentalists, and you run into this:






Whatever. smile.gif Never have figured what to make of it. This is Utah.


Here are some more pics as we head East on Highway 150. The Aspen are just beginning to turn:












Now I don’t know about this. I’ve heard on this board that Michigan fans are in a world of hurt and we need to support them in every way, but really I just don’t understand gallivanting around on game day:








We have manzanitas here too:




Well, the promised storm started blowing in while we were up on Bald Mountain Pass. Temp dropped to 52 F, and it grew gusty. Weather deteriorated as we high tailed it back the SLC valley. Caught some rain squalls, coolness, and wind, but nothing serious. Still, it was well past time for lunch when we pulled in. Pierre’s Country Bakery is a favorite with the mountain recreation crowd, sitting right next REI at foot of the mountains, it is on the way back from everywhere. We stopped there for lunch. You can see why:









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Looking forward to getting to UT next week!!


Now, as for that nudist camp photo . . . I see they are closed. "Due to Mosquitos!!" Now that right there is funny!!! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif


Good looking food! thumbsup.gif

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Can't wait till Fall starts here too......... wonderful !!!!! thumbsup.gif


Oh, oops, just remembered, we won't be going to the mountains this Fall blush.gif

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Great write up and interesting stuff about the politics in UT.


Utah - where the separation between church and state is about 3 blocks.

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Fall color, a ride through crisp mountain air and wonderful food--what more could you ask?


Thanks, Jan!




ooking forward to getting to UT next week!!


Now, as for that nudist camp photo . . . I see they are closed. "Due to Mosquitos!!" Now that right there is funny!!!


Good looking food!


I tried googling this place. First, a warning: The second or third link Google came up with went DIRECTLY and without warning to something Larry Flint would be proud of, and that made me gag. The rest of what I can piece together is that the signs have been there a long time. It isn't really a nudist camp, just someone with a sense of humor. The creek through there really is called Beaver Creek. The place is popular with geologists (It's a waypoint on the UofU field course).


Can't wait till Fall starts here too......... wonderful !!!!!


Oh, oops, just remembered, we won't be going to the mountains this Fall


I hear Florida has some fall weather, in January. lmao.giflmao.gif


Great write up and interesting stuff about the politics in UT.


Utah - where the separation between church and state is about 3 blocks.


Well we can't talk politics here. Lets just say that was demographics. dopeslap.gifdopeslap.gifdopeslap.gifwave.gifwave.gifthumbsup.gif

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Funny, I've ridden up there several times and I've never just stumbled across the nudist camp... Methinks somebody knew the way already. I can't imagine your disappointment when you found out it was just a gag.


I'll have to find that bakery - looks like they have some good loaves.


As for Utah politics, I've met more liberal moonbats here than I ever met in Portland, OR- not exactly known for being a bastion of conservative thought. I've also met some very nice folks with whom I share enough political and social views to get along, and I haven't had my door knocked on a single time. thumbsup.gif Of course a few neighbors are absolutely shocked that a married couple in their mid thirties can even survive without children.



Of course I find it pretty funny riding in what is to somebody raised in the Pac NW a "mild drizzle" and having people in cars point and act amazed that anybody would be out on 2 wheels, much less enjoying themselves, in such a "downpour".

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Funny, I've ridden up there several times and I've never just stumbled across the nudist camp... Methinks somebody knew the way already. I can't imagine your disappointment when you found out it was just a gag.




We've seen the sign before but had never stopped. It is right on UT-150, just past the Samak Smokehouse (great jerky by the way) on the south side of the road. This time we stopped because the hillside was in color and it was the only pullout.


We used to go to clothing optional hot springs alot, but haven't for 5 or ten years or so. Nothing for or against the clothing options, just now we have a hot tub.

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