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NC State Police Bike Safe class


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Has any one here taken the class? Impressions, comments. Looks as if they actually take you out on the roads. It seems to be based on the British bikesafe program. Anyone taken the British version?



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Has any one here taken the class? Impressions, comments. Looks as if they actually take you out on the roads. It seems to be based on the British bikesafe program. Anyone taken the British version?




I have done the British version. We got a classroom session with a road-safety film and some discussion on riding, then went out on the roads. You get given a segment of a route to follow and ride off, with the police officer behind you on his work bike. The officer will let you know when to pull over and he will give you advice on your riding before you continue.

On my ride we had arranged to stop at a service station as the end of the first segment. The officer was happy that I was riding correctly but gave me useful advice on passing, especially setting up for the pass. He also suggested that I would normally be "making more progress" and that in order for him to assess me accurately that I should "pick the pace up a bit". It was unnerving riding down English country roads with a Police bike in the mirrors at well over the speed limit. I wonder what the other road-users thought when I came up behind them, made a clean pass and was immediately followed by a police bike.


The feedback I got from the police officer was very useful and will hopefully reduce my chances of an accident. I would heartily recommend this scheme to anybody who has access to it.


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I'm on the list to take the class. I've talked to others who have and the reviews have been very positive. I've known Sgt Mark Brown for several years now and have taken a few classes through his MotorMark1 business... You can expect expert instruction from anything he does.

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Excellent program. I thoroughly enjoyed the evaluation and experience. It does take a little getting used to of having a motor trooper behind you evaluating your riding, but you get used to it. thumbsup.gif

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I've also done the British version, with my local force Gwent Police (http://www.bikesafe.co.uk/Bikesafe/Bikesafe2000/wales/gwent.html)


It was a great weekend (run over 2 days), with most of the time spent out on the road - we covered about 180 miles in total and I got a lot out of it.


Like Andy, my observer was keen to keep the speeds up and I had just the same experience of being closely followed by a police bike while flying past lots of other vehicles at high speeds!


The Officers who ran the course were all real enthusiasts and good company as well as great teachers.


If the class you are doing is as good, you'll be glad you have done it.

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