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How much should a 6K service cost?


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going out on a limb, say between 250-500 bucks. The big one is the synching of the throttle bodies but your probably better off learning that one yourself. Also, seem to charge some labor in just removing the fairing panels.

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going out on a limb, say between 250-500 bucks. ...


Seems like a sturdy limb to me. My only experience with oilhead dealer service is once in Beverly MA (sold me the bike) and once in Albuquerque NM. I was surprised to see that the two shops had markedly different lists of things to do with consequently different costs. The MA shop charged close to five hundred dollars (spent eight obsessive hours, not an all together bad thing) while the NM shop was more cursory and charged something like two fifty.



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Maybe it's the Airhead in me but after I got my 2000RTP which of course had dealer service all of it's CHP life, all I do is gas and go. I've got 114000 on it now. I do oil at 3K, filter and oil at 6K. Synched the throttles once soon after getting it with 63K on it. I need to do a fuel filter soon, I know that.

Past experience with other high milage Beemers has lead me to think that most folks diddle their bike to death.

I got this bike for $6500+ tax. If I had dumped 500 bucks on the dealer every 10K I'd have spent almost what I paid originally. Where's the ecnomy in that?

I use BMW filters, Honda oil or whatever. I get 40 to 60 mpg depending on the situation. After checking the valves at 6K a few times I gave up on that.

Is there any one else out there that maintains their bike and rides a lot that is also non anal about it?

Oh, it rained on me riding home from work last night. so It's been washed this month! dopeslap.gifdopeslap.gif

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This service will cost you about $300. At least that is what they charged for my 05 RT. Changing the fluids yourself with save you at least $100-$125. If it were me I would have them adjust the valves and sync the throttle bodies if you do not know how to do it. Change the fluids yourself and then learn how to adjust the valves. Once you see the valves done you will be kicking yourself because you did not learn to do it sooner. Easy stuff man.

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Ok that should be a oil change and valve adjustment and maybe brake flush.


4 qts GTX about $9

1 Purolator filter $5

2 qts Valvoline 80w-90w about $10

2 Autolite 3923's about $3

If you do a brake flush 2 bottles Dot 4 about $8

So thats about $35 in "parts"

Now about 2 hours labor for the valves and the brakes. Oils drain while doing other.

In other words "DO IT YOURSELF" you can buy all the tools and manuals you need and still come out way ahead of the stealers prices. This is not hard stuff to do. Instructions for all of this is on the web.



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if you don't want to do the service yourself, look for an independent mechanic. they are out there and really cheap too. i have a guy in my area who does the entire service for 140.00. he is an ami certified tech on many brands. his day job is a counter man for an electrical supply company and on weekends he does motorcycle repair.

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