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Replacement Tires


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I need replacement tires for my 2000RT, which I recently purchased pre-owned. I am cuurently running Metzler Roadtec Z6's and am looking into other manufacturer options. The Z6's have less than 5,000 miles on them and are wearing out/flattening right down the middle of the tire, which has caused the edges to square... not a very reassuring riding experience. I have been told that this is the normal wear pattern for underinflated tires. Consequently, I've bumped up the air pressure both front and rear by five lbs over mfg., recommendations, however, the tires are beyond correction. With bumping up the air pressure can I expect to get closer to 10K out of a set of new tires? My riding style is a combination of sport and highway riding. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Not other manufacturer, but other type tire. Read up on the Metzeler ME880. It is the mileage champion, with very even wear and good handling.

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Two weeks ago I replaced the Z6's on my bike with Conti Road Attacks. I was having the same problem you are describing. Flat in the center, cupped on the edges, it made turning the bike a chore not a pleasures. So far I love them, but I've only got about 500 miles on them. I'll let you know how they wear. smile.gif

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From my 1150RT days


Don't even try Pirelli Dragon - I once went there and chucked them early


I had Bridgestone O20's and loved the handling and grip but 7-8000 was the most I got out of them so I had about 6 sets


Tyre pressures 36 front 40/42 rear worked for me and improved the handling no end.

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Not other manufacturer, but other type tire. Read up on the Metzeler ME880. It is the mileage champion, with very even wear and good handling.


I'm on my second set of Z6's, and it looks to be 6K-7K per set. Love them new, but some more mileage would be great. Is there a noticeable difference in the handling of the Z6 vs. the ME880? About 80% of my miles are on my way to or in the twisties.

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