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Another Tragic Loss


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I'm not feeling so affable today....


A Friend, a Husband, a Father, and a member of my dept.


On their way home from a beautiful trip to Alaska. I have photos of the trip... they were very happy in their final days. Doesn't help the pain much.


Chalk another one up for drunk drivers.


Associated Press - September 17, 2007 7:34 PM ET


POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) - Police in Pocatello say a southeastern Idaho man killed two people in a hit & run accident over the weekend.


Jason Meyer faces charges of leaving the scene of an injury accident, as well as vehicular manslaughter.


Meyer was traveling west on Pocatello Creek Road when his car apparently struck a motorcycle ridden by a couple from California.


Both Dennis and Batriz Nakauchi, residents of Temple City, California, died.


Dennis Nakauchi was a sheriff's deputy in Los Angeles County.

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I posted this in another sad thread like this, but I think it bears repeating. I'm sad for the loss of those who knew them, hoping for justice for the killer, and wondering how many senseless losses we must endure before the prospect of that justice becomes a sufficient deterrent. frown.gif

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I posted this in another sad thread like this, but I think it bears repeating. I'm sad for the loss of those who knew them, hoping for justice for the killer, and wondering how many senseless losses we must endure before the prospect of that justice becomes a sufficient deterrent. frown.gif



I don't hold out hope of deterrence, but I do hope for appropriate consequences.

Condolences to family and friends. frown.gif

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Entirely too close to home! I too live in Temple City and was in Pocatello just a couple weeks ago.

Condolences to the Family. Our community is lessened by this loss.

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My sympathy to the family & friends. Another needless loss. When will these tragedies stop? When anyone makes the willful choice to drive/ride/fly/boat while under the influence, they need to be held fully accountable. They should be charged with negligent homicide, not manslaughter!

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Dennis and Beatriz before the headed... home.




It's said you can't judge a book by it's cover. Looking at the photo, I disagree. They look like beautiful people to me.

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There's so much more to this story of two people who lost their lives. It's about who they left behind, their love that leaves a wake behind them and their story about their life together; their hopes and dreams. It's so much more then the mundane story in the press about two lives lost in a senseless accident and we will never know them or share in their passion for their motorcycle adventures. There's so much more to this story and someone chose to get in his car when he shouldn't have and reduced their life story to a short press clipping in a local newspaper. I regret this and I'm saddened by it and there, but for the Grace of God, go I.


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