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1st post... Just saying hello


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I just wanted to take a moment to stop lurking and introduce myself, and to say thanks for having me.


Mike05 (a.k.a. "Cloud of Dust" lmao.gif), who is a very good friend, was kind enough to introduce me to BMW's, RT's AND BMWSportTouring.com. Can't say enough about him and what he's done for my outlook of riding. Thanks, Mike! thumbsup.gif


I've been riding, off and on (mostly on), for 14 years or so, and it's both humbling and comforting to be amidst such knowledge, experience and comradery (<-Spelling?). I hope at some point I am able to contribute as well as absorb.


I've never taken formal motorcycle training, safety courses, racetrack training, etc., but I do aspire to develop my technical skills where needed. I've gotten far on my cautious nature. I've developed my own riding skills, which I'm pleased to see, follows many of the general "good practice" ideas I see in your posts. I pride myself on being able to conform to most styles of riding.


For me, it seems riding safely goes a long way. People are not "afraid" to have you along for the ride if they feel you're in control, sensible and not so likely to have an accident of any kind. Understandably... It can ruin the day.


I'm ok with slow easy rides, but I also enjoy speedy rides, if the situation calls for it, and can usually keep up... to my comfort level, that is grin.gif. I am not too proud to shut it down and back off when I need to. If my wife's on, you can count on a smidge of over-caution.


Through my years of riding prior to my bmw, it's been a relatively unsatisfying mix of about 90% commuting, and 10% fun... and "fun" being riding to my dad's house, 70 miles away. ...usually alone. And I knew there was much more out there, but didn't persue what I didn't realize was something I'm passionate about. ...enter the R1200RT... ...'nuff said smirk.gif


I look forward to tales, tips, advice and friendship. My wife and I are eager to meet as many of you as we can, and tag along on some great rides.


Thanks for having me! wave.gif

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Welcome Eric...love the name. thumbsup.gif


Lots to do here. We'll help you spend your money! And don't forget about the dirt roads and trails available to you on your RT, it's more capable than you think. grin.gif

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Can I assume that you have a hairy head, a hairy face, hairy chest, hairy legs, hairy boots and a hairy hat, shaped like a big bullet with horns comin' out the sides?



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Eric ... are you the gentleman I met up at BMW of North Dallas with Mike a few weekends ago? Heck, it might have been a couple of months ago by now. Mike was showing someone an RT, and we headed down to Luna de Noche to grab some lunch and talk about all things RT.


Even if you're not, you're still welcome to the site. Heck ... any friend of Mike's is a friend of mine. Hope to ride with you soon!



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Can I assume that you have a hairy head, a hairy face, hairy chest, hairy legs, hairy boots and a hairy hat, shaped like a big bullet with horns comin' out the sides?

You got the idea... though, I'd love to be able to grow a full thick beard, I have a bit too much native American in me.. 1/16 or so..


The Ray Stevens description probably doesn't fit, and probably, "Awful" doesn't fit, but it sounds tough.. hehe...


My humor governs much of my discretion.. grin.gif

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Eric ... are you the gentleman I met up at BMW of North Dallas with Mike a few weekends ago? Heck, it might have been a couple of months ago by now. Mike was showing someone an RT, and we headed down to Luna de Noche to grab some lunch and talk about all things RT.


Even if you're not, you're still welcome to the site. Heck ... any friend of Mike's is a friend of mine. Hope to ride with you soon!




Charlie! Yes, I am! but, Gentleman... debateable...


Hey, I appreciate everything you had to offer that day. Mike has introduced me to some quality folks, and you're no exception.


Anytime you're itchin' to ride, let me know and it's usually a go. I have an oncall rotation at work, but even that's flexible... sometimes.


Mike can speak to my riding habits, but generally, though it doesn't say much coming from me, I'd say I'm a very safe rider. Call anytime. Look forward to it! smile.gif

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No longer "lurking" in the shadows I see!! smile.gif


Great to welcome you in public!! You & your lovely bride Molly are welcome additions to this community! clap.gif


Looking forward to many more rides together, minus the "tall tales" you & tobyzusa came up with... "Cloud of Dust" indeed! blush.gifgrin.gif

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Welcome Eric. Any friend of Mike's is a friend of everyone here.


However, if he is now really "Cloud of Dust" I'm not so sure I would follow too closely. grin.gif


Hope to see you post more and remember - Ride Tales don't have to be 100% true.

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Hey Eric,

You're bio didn't say anything about being a longhorn fan, so welcome!


The Texicans around here are all good guys, even the Aggies, right Whip? This is a great place to hang out.

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The Tejas contingent continues to grow.







Yeah, I'd say it was an serious problem and we should do something quickly to stem the tide, but . . . they're all such NICE folks!! grin.gifwave.gif


Welcome, Eric! It was nice meeting you at the Pied Piper Rally Point II at Mike05's place! You're really lucky to have such a great bunch out there to ride and hang with! See you at the next UnRally in 2008! wink.gif

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You need to meet "Dave the Affable," who resides in So Cal! lmao.gif


Seriously, welcome to the Discussion Board. Lots of great people here and loads of tech help, ride tales, and just general good BMW ride information.


Remember, the second Tuesday of every month we enjoy "Moto Coffee" at a local place here in So Cal. If you ride out, I'll buy the coffee! clap.gif



Steve in So Cal

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Can I assume that you have a hairy head, a hairy face, hairy chest, hairy legs, hairy boots and a hairy hat, shaped like a big bullet with horns comin' out the sides?




Hey Eric. Glad to see you posting!


Eric is the one on the right...



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You need to meet "Dave the Affable," who resides in So Cal! lmao.gif



Steve in So Cal

Somewhere in the universe there is Yin & Yang, A buttterfly flaps it's wings in the Ukraine, and a snail darter in Idaho meets his fate in a water powered turbine at the bottom of a dam, and two BMW riders meet along the timeline of the cosmos... their names crossing....

(We interrupt this poetic rambling to ask, "What the HECK is Dave the Affable talking about?" eek.gif )


Ohh...sorry. I was gone for a moment, took my meds, and I'm back now.


Welcome to the board! Hope to meet you on a Tuesday night. wave.gif

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