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UK Bikers supported by judge.


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Lane splitting - or as we call it in the UK - Filtering - has had its legal position in the UK strenthened by a high-court judgement. As in California, in the UK filtering is not illegal and is therefore allowed. Not quite the same as being a right, it is just not banned. This Judgement strengthens the position of UK bikers who are filtering.



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Here in McDOnaldland it's still an iffy proposition AND it's quite possible to spark the ire of some cager who's hacked about being passed (while on the phone watching a DVD).

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Thanks for that Andy, I always filter if its safe to do so. Dont know what my reaction will be to a trafic jam if I come across one in the States. bncry.gif I suppose if the trafic is not expecting any bikers coming between them it would be safer for me just to tuck in behind and grin and bear it with one eye on the mirrors.



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Good for the UK! thumbsup.gif


Believe me, Steve. Very freaking few people look in their mirrors here (moving or in traffic) for what seems to me one of the following viewpoints:


If you hit me from behind, you are at fault so what do I care?

... or ...

I'm in front of you, so Ha-Ha!


Police don't sit well with lane-splitting in mid-atlantic states. I don't lane split but will use that space as an out if someone is approaching my 6:00 at a brisk pace.


See you at the Un-Rally, mate! wave.gif

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I suppose the trick for me will be to position towards a gap, and go for it, if I feel I need it to get out of the way of somebody.


Now if you see a biker coming up the road on the wrong side wave it might be me grin.gif see you soon



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I suppose the trick for me will be to position towards a gap, and go for it, if I feel I need it to get out of the way of somebody.


Now if you see a biker coming up the road on the wrong side wave it might be me grin.gif see you soon






We'll keep that in mind

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