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MotoGP Pre-empted by funeral


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I am really peeved by our local station. They show the intro to the MotoGP race and cut away to a funeral happening nearby.

They are planting Lady Bird Johnson- wife of LBJ, president in the early 60's. It's on all the stations. A PRIVATE FUNERAL on TELEVISION for Christ's sake!!!

I know the motorcycle crowd pales in comparison to the public that would be interested in this, but EVERY CHANNEL?

Just had to vent somewhere.



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Well you do live in Texas, so I kinda understand, but every channel seems a bit much even for the Cowboy state.

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Yeah, I mis-spoke in the heat of my rant, it's not EVERY channel, just all the locals. I could watch the thing on five different channels, same feed. That's what pisses me off. Where is SPEED when I need it?



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James Clark
Yeah, I mis-spoke in the heat of my rant, it's not EVERY channel, just all the locals. I could watch the thing on five different channels, same feed. That's what pisses me off. Where is SPEED when I need it?




If you've got satellite, did you check to see if you can get CBSE?

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Buy a subscription to Motogp.com. I don't think it is that expensive (can't remember how much), and you can watch the race, and other interesting race happenings (podiums, interviews, etc.) no matter what happens with the TV.

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It is a small price to pay for a person who gave most of their life to make things better for all of us. I’d gladly sacrifice a Moto GP race to honor a person of this eminence.

I can understand why they did and I appreciated watching it.

I met her years ago at the ranch with my grandparents. She was the real deal.

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