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Need pic of reflective decals on 49L top case.


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Anyone? Because as the kit is I cannot seem to figure out how to wrap the long pieces around the "curvature" of the case and have them parallel with the lid

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wow - I got mine to mount on the bottom of the case !


oops, I might but a second kit just to do it right

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Here's mine - picture attached.




you have a different decal set than I. I have one similar to the first picture but I put the strips on the bottom of the bag.

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Anyone? Because as the kit is I cannot seem to figure out how to wrap the long pieces around the "curvature" of the case and have them parallel with the lid


If you have a MotoEquip Reflective Kit, purchased either from MotoEquip, from your BMW dealer or from Cycle Gadgets, the pieces for the sides of the 49-liter topcase do not wrap around any of the corners. Instead, they simply go along the top edge of the lower half of the trunk, so that any light hitting them from the side reflects back.


The corners of your trunk contain compound curves. It is virtually impossible to wrap a flat piece of tape (unless it is very narrow) around a compound curve. You will get wrinkles or tears in the vinyl. That's why they are designed strictly for flat surfaces, like the rear or sides of your trunk. Not for corners.

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Got my MotoEquip set on my RT and they fit very well, and the instructions couldn't be any clearer thumbsup.gif.

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