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Hello all,


If things go well, by this coming Sat., I'll be the proud owner of a '04 R1150RT Limited edition. I had been out of bikes for about 20 years then about 3 years ago, bought an R1150R. It was my first beemer and it hooked me. Hope to frequent this site and maybe get to know a bit more about sport touring and some of the members here.



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Thanks for the welcome. As can be expected, I'm very anxious to get the new steed and put some miles on her. I'll post pics asap.


Thanks again,


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Welcome aboard. I've received some very useful information, and recommendations from board members, and I'm sure you will as well.

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Hope to frequent this site and maybe get to know a bit more about sport touring and some of the members here.



Welcome, Dan! wave.gif


Be sure to check out "The UnRally" in West Virginia, or at least swing by Rally Point four of the Pied Piper Run at Bud's in Southern Illinois. thumbsup.gif

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Welcome Dan. Glad to have you here.


Check out the UN Rally.


Jamie is right. Come on down to S. IL if you can not make it to the rally. Meet some fine folks and hang out for a couple of days.

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Welcome! clap.gifclap.gif


Let's see; from Ohio, "Biscuit" in your handle....


No stranger to The Montgomery Inn or "Cincinnati Chilli I'll bet! smile.gif


Ck. out the UnRally"; you'll meet lots of folks from this site.


Hope to see you there.

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