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Helen 2 Wheels Update


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...saw this on the Badweb - hadn't seen it posted here, and given the involvement she has in the BMW rally scene I figured I'd share the information...


"I dIdn't make it to the rally... I was forced off the road by a semI merging into my thru lane prior to a construction zone.. avoided the truck and my riding partner but locked the rear end in gravel and lowsided into the median.


broken left ankle, right wrist... lots of pins and plates... a little road rash on left arm and leg... wasn't zipped all the way and/or armor slide off to the side. a few bruises... esp. right elbow...


gear did it's job. got back to Mich on Sunday... home care, good meds...I'll be in Wisconsin next month.


set straight the rumors... the truth is bad enough for me."

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Oh no ... wasn't she in an accident a few years back?



Chris (aka Tender Vittles )

Little '77 KZ400 in the Big Apple

Black '99 RT for Everywhere Else, such as ...


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Yep, and a bad one at that. bncry.gif

I sure hope it isn't true, but .............

If it is, best wishes for a speedy recovery. wave.gif

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I thought when I was reading this that some how I had stumbled into an old posts. I hope she mends totally and completely.

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