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:::O GLENO BOY revisted...give it a listen:::


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O Gleno Boy, the grips, the grips are calling

From street to trail, and 'round the mountain side

The sunshine's gone, and all the stars are crying

'Tis you, 'tis you must go and we must ride

But come ye back at springtime in the Torrey

Or when the roads be washed and free of snow

Yes we'll be here in sunshine or in shadow

O Gleno Boy, O Gleno Boy, we love you so


And when ye come, and all our bikes be silent

And we are dead, as dead we well may be

You'll come and find the place where we are resting

And kneel and say "Come now ride away with me"

And we shall hear, though fast you ride among us

And all our motors tuned and sweeter be

For you shall wheelie and tell us that you love us

May you ride in peace, may He the pillion be

O Gleno Boy, O Gleno Boy, we love you so








wHEN i rEAD these words from BigMak I knew that I was to do something musically. It was the gentle prodding of my phonecall to RD Franz on Saturday evening before the funeral that put me over the top and sealed for me that I would do something...albeit, from a distance, as I could not make it to the formal ceremony. My call to Yoda was simply to convey my admiration and love to Glen & his family ... to let them know that they have been in my every thought and prayer. Dick told me - no, he promised me - that that would be the case.


10 minutes later - confirmation - as Al Shibi phoned me back on my cell and told me to do the song. I told him it would be done.


So - with that - here it is...all recorded "live-time" - singing whilst playing my keyboard. It did take four (4) takes... no overdubbing... simply singing and playing to a man and family that I'd grown to know and admire. To this DBoard that I've grown to know as "homebase" -- safe and secure.


Many thanks to Jamie & Leslie and to Russell & Lisa for putting the technical stuff together properly for the DBoard so that you can peek into my take on BigMak's brilliance.


oNE mORE tHING...this was a very hard song to sing for me - the words caught me up several times on the first three takes..(thus, 4 takes total) and especially the words "...but come ye back at springtime in the Torrey.." that line has promted me to completely shift my schedule (and now also SirRodney's) to attend Torrey in May.


BigMak's words were spot on here for me - and am not attending for the experience of the "ride" - but for the place that he loved and the place where so many will congregate in his name. How could I stay away??


Tough song, but one done to touch the listener's soul.


Many thanks, BigMak.!


From my heart to yours - enjoy everyone.....



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On a lighter note, you should try to make a living singing!!! thumbsup.gif


He does. Now if he could figure out how to make money by combining good beer and good singing, he's be very wealthy. Love ya, JR. tongue.gif

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On a lighter note, you should try to make a living singing!!! thumbsup.gif


He does. Now if he could figure out how to make money by combining good beer and good singing, he's be very wealthy. Love ya, JR. tongue.gif


Personally, I think he should take his Bill Clinton impersonation on the road full time.


JR + a six pack = Hilarious Clinton impersonation.



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iT'S aLL gOOD..les'see

- beer...check

- voice...check

- impersonation's...check

- making a living singin'/beerin' er, ummm..


"...play me a song you're the piano man..."


Hec, if B Joel couldn't make it - I sure can't.!


Thanks for your kind words..!

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That is beautiful.


In my own quiet way from across the country, I have been having a hard time with this reality. February 2007 will not be fondly missed. I'm glad to know that others are still having to deal with this as well.


And to think, I never personally met the man! Still, I knew he was a great person and an excellent motorcyclist.

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I haven't commented on any of the GLENO pages. I’ve read them all...just haven't been able to put words together...here goes:


I did not know Gleno, but I have wept at his loss along with my friends who have lost someone so dear to them--because they shared their loss.


I did not know Gleno, but have learned of his zest for life, how he relished every moment and changed every person with whom he came into contact--because they shared their experience.


I did not know Gleno, but except through those of you who did know him, and celebrate his life through your stories and testimonies.


I did not know Gleno, and I can only hope that I live my life with such panache and zeal that I touch, and effect, someone with at least a bit of the impact that Gleno has had on a guy like me.


Thanks for sharing,



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Beautifully done hannabone. I am now feeling guilty for once criticizing your use of mixed case letters. Please accept my apology. wave.gif


and am not attending for the experience of the "ride" - but for the place that he loved and the place where so many will congregate in his name. How could I stay away??


My sentiments exactly...see you there.

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