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RTP got whacked!!!!


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While we were giving out speed awards, yes the once that most of you do not like grin.gif, I had to use the bathroom, thinking that a bank would be a safe place, and the bankers like it when we hang out there I parked my motor facing out, walked in. As I opened the door to walk out to leave a young lady on the cell phone, crying, stated she had hit my bike. As I look up I see motor #692 on it's side and the windshield and top fairing against a car. Trying to be postive, I said, "Not a big deal". Had to wait for a camera so 692 sat there for a few mintures or motors came by to help pick it up. Hurt to see it there like that. Once we lifed it saw the damage. The windshield frame had been bent down a few inches. Windshiled scratched, and fairing from the inside damaged, cracked. Side stand broken, otherwise ok. Rode it back to the station. I pretty sure that the city will sell it as "is". Have to get a quote for risk management, tomorrow.


PRC-My other windshield is ok that I am going to give you. Had taken it off, from the other ride the other day.



PS, We should be getting our new motors in about 3 weeks. I am on the spare. Yes, she was ticketed.

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I glad she stayed at scene. She could of easy, just left and there would've been nothing I could've done, unless a witness step forward. And while we were there, nobody came up and stated, "Hey, I saw her back into your bike". So, I pretty sure she could've made a clean get away. Glad for the honesty.

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Had to wait for a camera so 692 sat there for a few mintures or motors came by to help pick it up.



Yes, she was ticketed.

Ticketed? What exactly happened?

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She backed her vehicle into my motorcycle which caused my motorcycle to hit a car, which caused damage to motor and car. I guess it would help to give the whole story. Sorry dopeslap.gif

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But was she crying on the cell phone before, after, or during the act of backing over your scooter?


And I'll echo the previous comment ... just glad to hear you were on the scoot when she tried to run it over.

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Glad for the honesty.


Which, unfortunately, seems to be so rare these days frown.gif I have had my car whacked 4 times over the past 3 years now, everytime in parking lots. Not ONCE did they leave their address, whereas I would not even THINK about not doing so.

Living on a island WITHOUT other people gets more attractive every day as far as I am concerned.... crazy.gif

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Glad to hear you're ok, and the real story.

We heard it was the result of curb jumping. tongue.gif

Just kidding. wave.gif

If banks were safe they wouldn't need guards. lmao.gif

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Living on a island WITHOUT other people gets more attractive every day as far as I am concerned.... crazy.gif


So long as someone installs some nice roads for me to ride before they leave my island. smile.gif

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PRC-My other windshield is ok that I am going to give you. Had taken it off, from the other ride the other day.


That wasn't even on my mind when you called out the crash.....was worried that you were hurt (all that heavy breathing), and you wouldn't answer your phone. Was on a vehicle recovery, so I couldn't get over there. All I could see is a long rehab like mine. Glad you're fine.

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Man that sucks...I am sure the spare is a spare for a reason... dopeslap.gif


Good to hear that you weren't on it when it got "whacked".


We lost 2 cruisers Saturday in the blizzard and another last night in the aftermath...Temps are still below 20 degrees all day and the roads are still white no matter how much plowing they do. I am down 5 cars (two from two seperate wrecks a couple of weeks ago) and wondering when the salt is going to start working.


Does your motor vehicle code allow for ticketing on private property? Ours doesn't we have to resort to the city ordinances and that only allows things like OWI, reckless, carless, and surprisngly unsafe backing....

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Living on a island WITHOUT other people gets more attractive every day as far as I am concerned.... crazy.gif


So long as someone installs some nice roads for me to ride before they leave my island. smile.gif


Oh yes! And before I forget.. leave me a decent Internet connection too !! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Seems to me that's a bit like losing a family member. Condolences. So... are you going to buy it or is that insider trading?

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Aha, found it!! tongue.gif


It sure looks to me like you need a few "days on the beach". We'll be happy to provide you lodging, but I'm sure you'll understand if I do NOT offer to loan you MY bike! grin.gif





Seriously, I'm VERY glad you're (relatively! wink.gif ) okay after both incidents, but you can just stop the shenannigans now . . . seriously. Good LEO's are SO hard to find these days!! grin.gif

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... Good LEO's are SO hard to find these days!! grin.gif

No they're not!. Look at the evidence! People seem to have no problem at all bumping into John anytime they choose. tongue.gif

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... Good LEO's are SO hard to find these days!! grin.gif

No they're not!. Look at the evidence! People seem to have no problem at all bumping into John anytime they choose. tongue.gif


Little did SageRider know, at the time, how true this statement would turn out to be. lurker.gif

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