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Windshield advise


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Ok, I want to replace the stock windshield on the RT over the next few weeks. I don't want a monster shield, just a few inches taller then the one I have now (2").


Any help from you all would be appreciated.


Kaisr thumbsup.gif

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Aeroflow, Cee Bailey's, Parabellum , ZTechnik, or BMW tall/wide/tall&wide. Pick how much taller you want, if you want it wider, how much you want to spend. Make your life easier, get an extra set of the mounting hardware (left and right covering 46637661885 and 46637661886, 4x rubber pad 46632313892, 2x screw 64111386955) so you can swap windshields by just undoing the 4 mounting screws.
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Well you know, opinions are like.... [fill in your favorite here]. BUT, FWIW, I had an 1100RT with a 2+ clear Cee Baileys and it rocked. The flipped edge made a big difference. I am 5'8" and with it all the way down I could still see over the top of it and get a good air flow on hot (Texas) days. With it up I looked through it and got AWESOME wind/rain protection. Some people hate looking 'through' the windshield, which I don't really understand, but whatever floats your, uh, bike. As a comparison, I now have an 1150RT with the stock screen and it feels/looks **tiny**! Decent protection, I guess, but nothing like the CBaileys. Anyway, I wouldn't fret over the brand too much- anything will give you a great improvement. The only thing I would advise is against a 'monster' shield (+6 ??!!), unless you are saskwatch and need it. Like I said, I am 5'8" and the +2 was perfect.

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i'm 5'11'. went with the CB euro +2. i love it. great when chilly and allows some air in the summer. 90% of my riding is with the windscreen in the lowest postion. raise it up some in the rain and it helps keep part of me dry.

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I had a C.B. on my 04 RT. Euro Cut +2H, +2W in light gray tint and it looked great on the bike and the increase is protection and reduced noise was very noticeable vs. stock. Now I have Ruby (05 RT) and I put a C.B. Euro cut, light gray tint +1H, +2W. It is a great screen as well and it fits my height (5'7") a little bit better. C.B. makes good stuff and reasonably priced. Talk with Roy (mgr) or Tony at C.B. They will take care of you.

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I also am 5'11' (and 32" inseam, and seat in lowest position) and went with the CB euro +2 on my 2004 RT. While I find it is *much* quieter than stock in the full upright position, when it's in the down position, it sounds like a jet engine on my Arai helmet. The ws seems to concentrate the wind right on my head. So, I have mixed feelings. I like to ride with the ws down. It's still on the bike but I'm considering going back to stock and switching my autocom speakers to earplug speakers or perhaps just using it for the "mostly highway" rides.

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Another option you may wish to consider is going tinted.


I have a slightly taller, wider and TINTED screen on my RT and it works a treat. The tint looks good and helps with glare on GPS etc.

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I'm 5'10" with a 30" inseam and much prefer shorter windscreens to taller. Best modification I ever did to my RT when I had it was to lop 2" off the top of the stock screen. It moved the wind and turbulence impact from the bottom of my helmet to my upper chest and shoulders which resulted in a much quieter ride. I could still move the shield up to gain a measure of weather protection but then the turbulence and wind noise came back even worse as the screen moved both up and more importantly, forward.


Remember, helmets are designed to be quiet in clear air. The point of impact of the air on your torso and, in particular the upper neck area, greatly effects the wind noise. On my K1200RS, I went through all sorts of windscreens in an effort to reduce wind noise and the best was the stock, low screen with the shoulder pads removed from my riding jacket. My current long distance bike, a Honda Blackbird, has the screen about mid belly in height and that bike is quieter than any other I have ever owned.

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On my 97 RT I had a CB #2 shield +7".


I know, sounds really tall. Not true. Since the screen lays back at such an angle, it really isn't that tall, BUT---it does move the screen closer to my helmet, which gives the wind less space to crash into before it hits me.


I seldom raised the screen more than 10-20%. This also made a very clean air flow--= better MPG.



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Ok, I want to replace the stock windshield on the RT over the next few weeks. I don't want a monster shield, just a few inches taller then the one I have now (2").


Any help from you all would be appreciated.


Kaisr thumbsup.gif


Be sure to really think about what it is that you're trying to accomplish.


I'm like Ed...I prefer to be in the airflow, but I want the airflow to be smooth. I started with a BMW "Tall" screen, and upgraded to the BMW stock screen. For me, the removal of a couple of inches from the top made all the difference in the world. But that's just me...on my bike with the way I sit and the airflow that I like.


Some folks want to sit in a bubble of still air.


Sometimes a shield that's good for the rider creates all kinds of turbulence and/or back-pressure for a passenger.


There are lots of variables here, so really think about what it is that you want, and what your current windscreen is giving you.


Keep in mind that a winscreen with a flip and/or running the screen in a more vertical position seems to create more turbulence. That might be OK, if the turbulence happens somewhere behind you, but it's definitely something to think about.

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Try the short CB. I love mine and the color matches my RT.Some time ago I was in California and my R11RS fell over in the parking lot of a restaurant and shattered the windscreen. What to do, what to do but ride the darn thing without any screen until I was able to buy a replacement. Well I will tell you that I have never ridden that bike before or after with as smooth laminar flow as that 200 plus miles.There is a lesson in here somewhere which we will all can gain from.

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I tried 3 different after market including Cee Bailey. I finally found a nice quiet solution with the Laminar lip on the stock shield. Don't need ear plugs and no buffeting.

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I'm 5'10", 32 inch inseam, seat in middle position

- Stock windscreen with a 2 inch haircut: Fun in the summer. Drops the windflow to hit your chest rather than up your neck and into the helmet.

- Aeroflow: Fantastic windflow management; taller and wider than the stock with flared lips on the top and sides. Great quiet zone without having to raise it all the way. It's made of a thinner "floppier" material and is not as optically perfect as the stock.

- ZTechnik VStream: Slightly better than the Aeroflow over the head (close call, however) but lots more windflow at your arms. Equal/superior material as the stock windscreen.


Have all three; lots of mileage on all three. If I had to pick just one, it'd probably be the Aeroflow. Sorry, no experience with Cee Bailey.

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On my 1100, I tried the Aeroflow, the BMW tall, and the standard BMW shield. I always came back to the BMW standard shield.


My R1100/1150 BMW tall shield and Aeroflow are available. PM me if interested.


On my R1200, I tried the Ztechnik and the standard shield with the same results: I prefer the stock shield.

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I'm with Russell on this. I prefer smoother airflow. Most of the shields I've tried with any sort of flip to them seemed to increase wind noise. I'm 6'1" with a 32" inseam. Tried a +4H+2W C.B. on my 1150RT. It had a small flip and the wind noise was significant.


You might try standing up slightly on the pegs and then hunching down to determine your personal comfort zone. A "taller" shield which moves the protection closer without raising the shield may help you.


Good luck!

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I've got the Aeroflow on my '05RT and I absolutely love it. I know it's expensive, but it's worth every penny in my opinion. I have a very quiet pocket to ride in and no helmet buffeting.



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I received a CB+2 today and just took it for a test spin around the block. Down it is still giving me some air, but noise is way down. Up, it is awesome.


I am going to see what it is like this weekend on a longer ride and will let you all know.


Appreciate the feedback!


Kaisr thumbsup.gif

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