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Scorpion helmet & Autocom


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Who here has installed an Autocom speakers and mic in the EXO700? I'm thinking of replacing my HJC with one, and want to make sure the Autocom components will transfer over without too much trouble.

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Yes, an Autocom will fit in a Scorpion. But it also depends on your ears.


Do you have ears that are pinned close to your head, or do they stick out? Here's the reason.


The ear pockets on most HJC helmets are among the deepest you can find. On the Scorpion, the ear pockets are what would be considered a little shallow. When installing in a Scorpion, it is sometimes necessary to manually compress the styrene a little bit right where the speakers go. This gives the Scorpion a normal fit. And this is where your ears come in. While you may have had plenty of space in the HJC, if you have ears that protrude beyond what might be considered "normal" then the speakers will be a little bit of a tight fit. If you have ears that are more normal, then all will be fine.


So, let's assume you want a Scorpion anyway (fine helmet, BTW) and that your ears protrude. What to do? This is where a minor bit of helmet surgery helps. It may be necessary to either reduce the amount of styrene in the ear pocket, or to melt it down a bit (using a soldering iron, but WITHOUT actually touching the styrene, just using the heat of the tip) to create a deeper ear pocket.


It's about a 20-minute job to deepen the ear pockets. Then all will be fine.

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