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DVD Recon Report


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OK, So how does one of the guys from Utah end up getting home and posting the first Ride Report from the DVD Recon Ride???


Well, for those of you not present, Jamie was CLEARLY shaken to his core this weekend. Yes, that's right, no internet access at the hotel. dopeslap.gif We were all forced to communicate verbally instead of just PM'ing each other from our own rooms. (Also the reason that no one else posted a Ride Tale yet I guess.)


It was good to see/meet all those in attendance. (I'd list the 15 people here, but I'm sure I'd leave someone out, so I'll skip that. smile.gif )


I'll leave the announcements for the accommodations for DVD in Jan to someone with the authority to make that decision.


I waved good-bye to Andy about an hour ago as he headed up to SLC. We had a somewhat uneventful ride back (although it was disconcerting seeing several cars heading the other direction covered in snow). Also, the Las Vegas to Mesquite leg of the journey was miserable. Cross and head winds GALORE. I usually get 45 (absolute low) to 58 mpg with my r12st. On that leg I got 37mpg. eek.gif It got cold as we passed Cedar City, but never as cold as forecast. I think we never saw any 30's.


I didn't take too many pictures, but I'll post some to this thread later.


Great Weekend! thumbsup.gif

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Made it in before dark,we took the senic route. Tony got to experence Trona on the way out and stopped in Randsburg at the Whitehouse saloon for a quick bite.Pictures coming. wave.gifwave.gifwave.gif

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Woo Hoo! clap.gif

What a fun weekend!!!

I got to room with Killer and meet a bunch of folks in the flesh for the first time.

Many thanks to Jamie and Leslie for the hospitality and place to sleep Thursday.

Thanks to Don for the company on the way home!


Matt here's the list in attendance.

Jamie, Leslie, Bill, Stan, Tom, Killer, Todd, Don, Matt, Andy,

Whip, Louise, Bob(LV), Me (Tony) and Cornelius (for 1 day)


What a great group to ride with. Counting the days till DVD!!!!

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Fun, Fun, Fun, FUN!!, Fun, fun, FUN!!, fun, fun, Fun, Fun ,FUN, FUN!!!!, fun, Fun!, fun and FUN!!!!!!!!!!! clap.gif


Yeah, you could say I had a good time! smirk.gif


Thanks to everyone who came out and helped out with the arduous task of riding the great roads, tasting the various buffets, enjoying the scenic vistas, and blowing out some carbon from their piston crowns!! thumbsup.gif


It was great to meet some more wonderful newbies, see some of my old friends again and ride the the high-speed open roads of Death Valley country! cool.gif


The recon group has reached a democratic consensus on location (and it was almost unanimous), but we'll wait until we've secured group rates for the whole group to post the details on how you can reserve your spot for BMWSportTouring.com's:


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend Death Valley Daze Ride, January 12th-15th, 2007!!!!!!!!! cool.gif


. . . meanwhile . . . MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! clap.gif

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OK, so here are the photos I promised (there aren't many because big burly security guards really, um frowned on the whole photos in a casino idea... The kneecaps will heal however...


Here's my summary of the trip down:


There are more boring highways, but not many. smile.gif

Obligatory bike shot (and yes I like the headlights - all 6 of them tongue.gif ):


If you're not the lead dog...



Gas was $2.71/gal for premium. Note the bikes in the foreground... Actually, note Killer ON-TIME for 8am breakfast!!!





Andy, waiting for Killer...


But even Andy's patience can't last forever... tongue.gif (or was Killer doing his best Richard imitation?)



And, of course, for Limecreek:


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Obligatory bike shot (and yes I like the headlights - all 6 of them


How to tell if you're on a BMWST.COM ride: If you are leading a ride with five other bikes, and there are 37 headlights in your mirror. lmao.gif

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Obligatory bike shot (and yes I like the headlights - all 6 of them


How to tell if you're on a BMWST.COM ride: If you are leading a ride with five other bikes, and there are 37 headlights in your mirror. lmao.gif


You've had some funny ones, but that one hit me harder than usual. lmao.gif

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Obligatory bike shot (and yes I like the headlights - all 6 of them


How to tell if you're on a BMWST.COM ride: If you are leading a ride with five other bikes, and there are 37 headlights in your mirror. lmao.gif


You've had some funny ones, but that one hit me harder than usual. lmao.gif

+1 !!!!!!!! lmao.gif


I think at one point I did see at least 37 headlights in my mirrors, but I'm pretty sure there were more than five bikes behind me! eek.gif

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There are more boring highways, but not many.

Boring? I live for roads like that. On two wheels, or four.


I have no idea why, but I've always found crossing wide-open spaces like the desert an exhilarating experience. (not during the intense heat of summer tho) biggrin2.gif

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How dare you suggest that we saw speeds in that range. I certainly didn't see speeds in that range when I rode Whip's FJR! blush.gifgrin.gif


Riiiiiight. Mama Hoon in the middle of nowhere on an FJR. Yeah. I'm just SOOOOOOO sure you behaved yourself.



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2 words to the lot of you as I sit here in Fresno, CA for a training class (AGAIN) that lasts all week:













or, if you don't like those two words:













And two more:









See you in January!

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Hey Phil...

Ya on your bike?? dopeslap.gif


Nope.....he's carpooling! lmao.gif Poor baby! frown.gif

Is he whining about being a "training whore" again, like someone was holding a gun to his head? He can't have it both ways! ( . . . despite what Richard might say! eek.gifgrin.gif )
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Andy, waiting for Killer...











I wasn't waiting. I was posing. He asked me to be on the cover of his next calendar. The theme for his next calendar is "The rugged and handome GS Rider" or was it "The ATGATT version of 'What Not to Wear'".



Had a great time and I am trying to pull some strings to be able to make the real DVD run on MLK weekend. Maybe by January my Diet Coke hangover will be gone. Somebody should have cut me off much sooner. thumbsup.gifconfused.giftongue.gif



Hey Bakerz, thanks for letting me be your wing man the whole way home. For some reason, following a bike for the day puts the whole thing into perspective for me. It is fun seeing another bike there knowing that despite, the wind, the cold, the contstruction cones, and all, that I am not alone in having fun on the bike. It will be even better once you hook up the Autocom and B2B.


Hope to see everyone again soon.



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Is he whining about being a "training whore" again, like someone was holding a gun to his head? He can't have it both ways! ( . . . despite what Richard might say! eek.gifgrin.gif )


One word....."ouch"....Hey Jamie, I hear some of the Fire Depts are hiring up here. lmao.gifgrin.giflmao.gifgrin.gif


Yes, evil, I know!! grin.gif

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ok, some pics from the recon;


had a great ride up with Leslie, Bill, Jamie, Tony, Mike and Geneva (sorry didn't get them in this shot)..here at Joshua Tree info center.





Dantes Lookout...there wasn't a cloud in the sky about an hour later. 110225013-L.jpg


lone rider about to step off into the void, identify yourself !



in Beatty, the place to eat..not that there were many choices



our leader and organizer, that is...when his plans aren't hijacked by a few troublemakers grin.giflmao.gif

Note; the motel behind is not one of the choices in Jan '07



and lastly, this is the reason to come here: The Valley.110225191-L.jpg



see everyone Jan '07 thumbsup.gif

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our leader and organizer, that is...when his plans aren't hijacked by a few troublemakers


Troublemakers? Seems there is always one in everybunch. I for one thought a fella named Gray..something, added much appreciated, insightful alternatives to the old school process of establishing such chores such as dining, lodging, leaving for breakfast and many other important functions. Does anyone know if this valuable asset will be a bigger part of this group? I wonder if he's married...

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