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Holland, MI to Falling Leaf October 06


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It was our 6th trip to Potosi MO for the annual Falling Leaf Ralley. Bike 1 00R1100RT, 2. 05 R1200RT, 3. 650 GS with a windshield. The three of us left on a Thursday afternoon around 4 PM EST - with three wives thinking they would never see us alive again - it was snowing/sleeting/raining and the wind was howling with gusts to 30 from the WNW and we were headed SW.


Rode till dark with relatively dry roads, but cold. My Gerbing quit after 14 minutes - the new R12RT has some electrical issues in the design I learned. Day 2 - on the road early, dry, but very windy. Passing big trucks was frightening at first - as you approached you were compensating for the wind from your right, but then it was blocked - stop compensating - then as you passed the front of the truck - woosh, your bike would start to head to the left shoulder of the highway - and you had to compensate again until the next big rig.


We tried various speeds and found faster was better - as in 75 mph - at 65 or less we seemed to get buffeted around alot while passing the trucks - at 75 it was over quicker and the bike seemed more stable.


The wind lasted all day. The upside is that I'm much more confident of my ability to handle the heavy wind riding when I'm caught in it.

Less wind on Saturday and a great self-guided ride without getting lost. The roads in Potosi area are great 40 to 60 mph curvey and hilly with very little traffic. Beware of deer, however especially early in the day.


By Sunday, the day after the obligatory anvil blasting (if you've been to this ralley you know what I'm talking about) the wind had died and it was a great ride back home (610 miles).

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I rode to that rally from Charlotte,N.C. and it was great weekend except for camping in the 22degree weather. The roads are awesome and I highly recommend riding the roads around Potosi if you haven't tried them. The Anvil Blast was different, thats for sure. The people in that part of Missouri were all very friendly. I'm looking forward to going back. wave.gif

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You gotta try riding in Oklahoma all year long. I get worried when I head somewhere else and the bike is not at a 45 degree angle from side winds. I have to ride somewhere other than Oklahoma just to wear out the middle of my tires. lmao.gif


Falling Leaf is a fun rally with great roads and nice folks.

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+1 on that. I rode RT 66 two years ago on a Suzuki SV 650, and the wind was something else through OK and TX. The tires really do take a beating too. Gonna do it again in 08'.

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