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Thats right I dare you to tell me to get an alaskan leather buttpad...go ahead..bring it on!


Okay..seriously. I have a GS. My butt burns right about the 1-2 hour mark. I've considered a custom seat; Cee Baileys, Rocky Mayer,Corbin, Sargent etc. I like the looks that can be achieved by them, but they are expensive.


So...am I kidding myself here thinking that the Alaskan leather may be the remedy? Should I just bite the bullet and go with a custom seat and be done with it?


I dunno...maybe a "MAD COW" on my Black GS? lmao.gif


Weigh in..please! thumbsup.gif

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I used an Alaska Butt Pad during my Iron Butt ride in May. The temps ranged from 56 degrees in the morning when I left to mid-90s during the afternoon portion of the ride. I appreciated not only the extra padding of the butt pad, but also the increased ventilation between the seat and my buttockal area. You might try the butt pad before you invest several hundred in a new seat. Also, you might try some bicycle shorts with gel padding in the butt area. Aerostich has some for $30 in their catalog. wave.gif

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I agree ... it's difficult to say whether the seat pad will definitely solve your problem, but it's a cheap experiment that works for alot of people ... and just might save you some cash.


For what it's worth, I used a seat pad over my Sargent seat on the previous bike. Since coming to the RT, I've ridden one ride with just the stock seat. I need to do the same with the seat pad to see how far that'll get me.

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I have a GS and my aching started at about the 200 mile mark. Before buying a custom seat I decided to try the Alaska Leather approach. It doesn't seem like it would be the fix that it is, but I've had it on the bike for over a year now and have no thoughts of buying another seat. I typically ride 300 to 400 mile days with no concerns. On 500+ days other parts ache long before my butt.

Now I can spend my money on other farkles dopeslap.gif

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On my R1100-RT I went with a Russell Day-Long saddle.

On my R1200-RT I have an Alaska Leather Butt Pad. While the comfort level is better than the stock seat on the 1200, it does not equal the comfort of the Russell seat on my 1100.

I have done multiple 800+ mile days with a moderate degree of discomfort on the butt pad.

I have done multiple 1000+ mile days on the Russell seat with NO discomfort.

I expect I will be acquiring a Russell before to much longer for my 1200.

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Have a sheepskin as well as an Alaskan leather pad. Neither seem to do much IMO except soften the foam in the seat. One of those slick beaded gizmos would give you more air flow than a skin. Butt you might borrow a skin from someone for a trial. Seamless undergarments/pants, fairly frequent stops if only for a minute to walk around the bike, etc. will help. Won't cut down on your daily mileage by much if any either.

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I have the Alaska Leather sheepskin on my R1200RT and it does help to provide padding where there is none with the stock BMW seat. Cost is only around $50, if you go for the deluxe model. You don't have to send your seat off to the west coast (how come there are no east coast seat makers, anyway, or at least a satellite shop for those of us who do not live in California?) for three or four weeks. The sheepskin might fix your problem.

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Being the tightwad I am, I just ordered the beaded seat. Steve Carr (Steves1150) recommended it. Me thinks the man knows aomething about long-distance riding. eek.gif For $35, it's a cheap try. I'll let you know.

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I have one.. use it both on the GS and RT. I ride the seat 'stock' until I get tired, then bring out the secret weapon and it always helps me make that last hurtin hundred miles a little easier!

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Buy an Alaskan sheepskin , or else.

Or else we'll be right over and make you.



AH! Just what I needed..a threat! Now I can tell my wife I HAVE to buy one...its for my own safety. By the way...after I point you out...she'll be right over.


Hey.........YOU started it! grin.gif



Okay..okay...the praises for the alaskan leather butt pads win me over. Heck, its an inexpensive alternative to a custom seat, I may as well try.


I find the seat rather comforteable really; it fits me well. It's just that my butt starts burning after about 2 hours, then I'm squirming around. Getting off the bike helped, but it starts right back up very shortly after I get back on it. At that point, I just ride faster to get home. I dont know what would cause that, maybe lack of circulation?


I guess what makes me apprehensive is that my GS is "MANLY" it's black, its tough, would look even tougher with a custom seat. But I dont feel so tuff after about 2 hours. I feel kinda downright wimpy as a matter of fact. So, do I put a "fluffy" butt pad on? I can't have a fluffy GS...thats not MANLY!!! Poodles are fluffy, NOT GS's!


Oh Well...guess mine's gonna have to be fluffy. grin.gif

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You can buy them here: http://www.alaskaleather.com/

And, at least once upon a time, if you put "dead sheep" in the coupon code, you'd save a few $.


My $0.02, the right size Alaska Leather buttpad makes any seat better.


When I ordered mine, delivery was unbelievably prompt.


Using "dead sheep" in the order worked for discount as of last month for me. thumbsup.gif

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So, what do you do with your sheepskin pad when it rains? Doesn't it hold a lot of water? And do you take it off whenever you park the bike to prevent its being stolen?

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Sheep don't mind the rain. And, trust me, nobody wants a ratty old skin that's been under anybody's ass. The resale is less than zero.


Like others, I got a sheepskin (~$40 as I recall) as a cheap first attempt at improving seat comfort. It worked well enough for me to ride comfortably all day.

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Sheep don't mind the rain. And, trust me, nobody wants a ratty old skin that's been under anybody's ass. The resale is less than zero.


Like others, I got a sheepskin (~$40 as I recall) as a cheap first attempt at improving seat comfort. It worked well enough for me to ride comfortably all day.



I concur, I bought one for the same reasons and haven't moved on, as it has made a significant change in comfort. thumbsup.gif


"dead sheep" in the coupon for a discount and you could already have one as she ships very quickly.

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