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ATL Tech Daze - Thanks!!


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I see some folks still checking into the planning thread, so I thouhgt I'd start a new one.


Mucho thanks to ChrisK for hosting another awesome Tech Daze! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


And thanks to the masterbleeder RightSpin for helping me (doing) my brakes! You da man. Also thanks to Ken H for helping us over the cell phone with the control circuit portion.


Sorry I could not stay through lunch and visit more.


Steve Hebert, man that is just unbelievable. Hope you get it back together soon.

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I made it back to Greenville about 7 PM last night. A special thanks to Chris for once again opening his place of business to us all. There were definitely some beginers there that I feel really benefited from all the effort it takes to put one of these things on. Here are few pics that I managed to snap somewhere in the course of doing my 12K service.
















A great big thanks also to Steve Foot (RightSpin) for taking the time to do a marathon session of brake fluid changes on at least 4 of our bikes. Thats about 800 dollars that was saved on that operation alone. I can imagine the countless thousands of dollars that were saved elsewhere.



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Great Tech day. I got a one on one learning session from Marty. Marty showed me how to do throttle body sync, but that wasn't the only thing that I learned I also learned that I need some better cold weather riding gear, froze my hinny off.

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Great Tech day. I got a one on one learning session from Marty...


I thought maybe Marty gave you lesson in how to read between the lines in the Atlanta papers personal section....Everyone knows Marty never does any actual work at a tech day! grin.giflmao.gif



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What a lovely day - learned a bunch and enjoyed meeting you folks . . . look forward to seeing you all again. I am no longer intimidated by the braking system!! Thanks to all!


David Hunt (I guess it's obvious that I'm the reflection in the sunglasses of the avatar ... the handsome youg guy is my son Josh)

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Steve Hebert, man that is just unbelievable. Hope you get it back together soon.


Hey Mark,


I was in absolute disbelief. I ignored it for a second and then thought that I had better be smart about it. Having been stranded with zero drive last fall I am all to familiar with the signs. Chris K helped to rescue me last year as well.


It looks like a transmission issue and not a shaft/clutch problem. I can drive the bike in what appears to be 5th gear, so I am thinking that I lost the shift selector. Hopefully it is limited to that. I will pull the transmission and send it off for repair. There are way too many tools/tolerances to have or be observed and I am not up for that. Hopefully it will all work out.


Maybe I should host a seminar on motorcycle recovery..... grin.gifgrin.gif


If you ever find yourself at exit 2 (from the AL side) on I-85 (highway 18) stop in at the shell station and have some of "Newt's Yo fried chicken man" wings and slaw. Man they were great!!!

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Thanks all for coming, I really do enjoy having this each year. It wouldn't be much fun all by myself!

A special thanks to Steve Foote for driving the 8 hours round trip to bleed our brakes and to Randy Etheridge for draging down his tire change set up again!

Steve, what is it with you and BMW trannies. I am sorry the read about your breakdown on the way home. I hope it is an easy fix. Did you ever think that maybe the bikes just don't like living in east LA! smirk.gif

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Let me know if I can help on parts/might be able to get more than 20% off. I'll be up there in about 3 weeks.

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I found a hardcover Haynes manual while I was finishing up the 36K on my bike last night. Let me know who it belongs to and I will send it to you.

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I found a hardcover Haynes manual while I was finishing up the 36K on my bike last night. Let me know who it belongs to and I will send it to you.


yeah, that was mine....sent you a PM...



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