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Luck on my side


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So last Wednesday, I went out for a day ride to the city (Toronto) to see some friends before starting a new job on Monday. This would be the last chance for a while. Coming home I was watching my odometer as I was at 12980 kms and wanted to see where it would clock over 13000.


At 12994 kms, I heard the tires get rather 'audible', and as I was heading straight, I gradually leaned it a bit to see if the tires were getting mushy. Within about 500 m, my rear was dead flat and I was pulled off onto the shoulder with the flashers on. Urgh.


Checked the tire, the sun was going down so I pulled my trusty Maglight from the glovebox clip.. couldn't see a thing.


I was 10kms from home. Urgh.


Pulled out the BMW NA roadside assistance number and gave them a call. 90 minutes for a tow. It's now totally black out ( 5'ish pm !! I hate winter standard time), and the temp is dropping now below freezing. I call my wife for a hot chocolate and the car so I can transfer the bags etc. and take them home.


Exactly an hour and a half later the tow truck shows up, drops the ramp. I run the bike up on the ramp gently ( trying not to run onto the rims ), we flip the ramp back up, and we cinch the bike down. It's now 7:10 pm. The tow operator needs to cover about 100kms to get it to the dealer before the dealer closes up for the night at 8:00pm. I call the dealer and politely and hopefully request they stick around to recieve the bike into the building.


My wife, after grocery shopping, and ordering a pizza for my mother in law, shows up at about 7:15. Bags in the car, sipping hot cocoa, we're off for home. The bike headed the opposite direction..


I get a call at 7:55pm from the dealer.. the bike's there, no worries.


The best part about this though is that, we were going to spend the day on saturday running the bike up to the dealer for winter storage. While it was in over the winter I'd intended to change the tires for the 2007 season anyway, so, in the end, We ended up with an extra day free on the weekend


Ya just can't beat having things go tickety-boo.


Thanks to Abrahms Towing, BMW Roadside Assist and Open Road BMW for the flawless assistance !


.... I do miss my bike though bncry.gif

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Last summer, my rear tire got a big slash in it and went seriously flat, seriously fast. I checked and it was clear that the tire mushroomed out as I rode so the rim was never on the pavement, and since the tire was obviously shot anyway, I just rode the bike very slowly home (3km). Felt like riding on mush, but it got me home!


Funny thing is that when I removed the tire to replace it with the new one I had (very clevery) bought a couple weeks before, there was no significant damage to the tire at all (except of course for the cut). Anyway, I popped on a new set (both front and rear) that evening, balanced them and the next morning I was on the road again.

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.....Ya just can't beat having things go tickety-boo.


umm..., ok, whatever you say. eek.gif that's a new on on me! dopeslap.gif

Old Canadian expression from an eon ago!

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.....Ya just can't beat having things go tickety-boo.


umm..., ok, whatever you say. eek.gif that's a new on on me! dopeslap.gif

Old Canadian expression from an eon ago!

. . . meaning . . . ? ? ?

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.....Ya just can't beat having things go tickety-boo.


umm..., ok, whatever you say. eek.gif that's a new on on me! dopeslap.gif

Old Canadian expression from an eon ago!

. . . meaning . . . ? ? ?


not THAT old thank you very much....(he says as he realizes that it is still part of his day to day speech)


The meaning is that things went 'well'.

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