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Installing RT rack/topcase on RS

Rick M

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Hey folks. I'm preparing to install the RT topcase frame on my RS and have to 'drill' out the tailpiece for the frame to pass through. I've heard of it, I've seen it, but need info on where, how, size, etc. I would hate to ruin my cream puff.Any info is appreciated.

p.s. Come on down/up/over to East Tennessee. The riding is great right now and the mountains are beautiful!

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I did that on Lisa's RS.


I basically just eyeballed it and cut the tail section with a dremel. It took a few iterations of removing it, cutting it, putting it back on, etc. The kit from BMW comes with rubber gromets that will fill in the gaps, so your cuts don't have to be 100% perfect.


That's about it...just take it slow and careful and you will not have any issues.

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I searched the 'bikers oracle' site to threads way back into '04 and found this template for drilling/trimming out the tailpiece. It's probably worth revisiting.


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Thanks guys! I took this Sunday afternoon and completed the subframe install on my RS for the RT topcase. Russell's idea of 'eyeballing it' worked well. It was the first cut that was the hardest, after that, I was committed !

I also did the 'canisterectomy' I'd read about on the MOA forum. It also looks great. After a good washing, a wonderful ride up through the mountains across the NC western border. Now if I only had one day this weekend...

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