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Track Day at VIR - I'm no longer a virgin


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Since I took my 1100RT to Roebling Road late last year I’ve been hooked on this track thang.

This year I bought track ready Suzuki SV650 with all suspension upgrades in place, and I went back to Frank Kinsey, then did a STT even at Kershaw, SC and finally went to Midwest Ducati two day event to VIR’s North Course.

I left Franks event with virtually no input from him on what to do, STT event was better and I got more feedback about my riding and things to work on.

I was under the impression that my riding position was OK – not great but good enough for now. All that changed when I saw the pictures from the STT day. I was blown away, by the difference in what I thought I looked like and what I saw in the pictures. I was riding my SV as if I was on 11RT, sitting pretty much straight up with my arms straight and my lower cheeks firmly planted on the seat. I was very disappointed and determined to work on that. Here is the example of what I looked like.



VIR was my first opportunity to do just that. Weather was just about as perfect as it could get, sunny but not hot, clear Carolina Blue moved into Southern Virginia. Early start to a beautiful day:


This even was organized by Cornerspeed (www.cornerspeed.net ) and even Cornerspeed instructors were at the event this was NOT Cornerspeed School format. It was clear from the start that instructors will work with us if asked but it’s all done on informal basis. Event was offered at a discounted rated of $340 for two days.

Beginner group was the last one in rotation so we spent a little time in the classroom before we got on the track. What surprised me was that we had 25 (or less) riders and 6 instructors lined up with the beginner group. First session was a slow one but my first thought was - I’m not going to be able to learn all those turns in a day or even two days. The track was much more complex compared to Roebling Rd or CMP, that after first session I couldn’t tell what followed what. Aaron Stevenson of Cornerspeed had track marked with cones and arrows indicating entry, apex and exit on most corners, which proved to be a great help for me as I started to learn the way around the track.

What was evident right from the start is that the instructors were committed to sticking with us for the duration. In session two I got hooked up with Ed Andrews who was riding Aaron’s SV. We started off with him in the lead for 2-3 laps showing me the line, pointing out as he rode the most important elements of each turn. Then it was my turn to lead.

I’m not going to bore you with all the details but the format continued through out the day. I was amazed how much time Ed spent with me. We concentrated on each corner moving down the track as the day progressed.

I was getting more comfortable with the track and my riding. I was trying to correct the issues I had at CMP and was hoping that I made some progress. Just when I felt that things were slowly starting to come together Aaron passed me and tapped the tail of his bike which meant I needed to follow him. Overall I was OK – but my arms were too straight. I needed to get my face closer to the side mirrors and look around the fairing.

I continued to be amazed how much effort all the instructors put into each rider.

The other thing that surprised me, was that at the end of day one there was only one bike that had to be hauled back in after a off pavement excursion, a big contrast to CMP day or even Roebling Rd where it seamed that the wagon was going out all the time to pick up a crashed motorcycle.

Day two started well and Ed got hooked up with me right from the start. I improved some things and needed to work on others, but by the end of day one I knew the correct line through most or maybe even all turns, that doesn’t mean I rode it every time but if I was off I knew it.

Overall – it was a great event, weather, facilities, instructors, organization etc all was great. I was on cloud nine. I rode bunch of miles, felt that I have improved and I was going home with a lot of things to work on.

Here are some AFTER shots:










Even the pictures didn’t catch that moment I did put pavement marks on my brand new knee pucks – I guess I’m no longer a puck virgin.


If you have any reservation about taking your bike to the track – think about it twice – because once you do you will be hooked.

I need to run I need to find me a toy hauler!!!

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Excellent work. The picturs do indeed show a lot of progress. thumbsup.gif


That's a great track--one of my favorites. There's a great flow to it, though it's quite challenging to learn. The race line is not obvious, and the blind elevation turns make the exit tough to anticipate.


Hopefully I'll see you there next year. I plan to be there at some point.

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Hopefully I'll see you there next year. I plan to be there at some point.


I hope to be there next year taking Code School - maybe you will be my instructor.

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Cool paint job cool.gif


Thanks - I've masked it off and painted with spray can. That's the beauty of having a inexpensive bike - you dare to do anything to it.

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by the way - I forgot to mention that I've passed Greg White TWICE and I'm sticking to it. thumbsup.gif

First time he was slowing down on the straightaway waiting for some one, and the second time he was with a slower student and another instructor.


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Congratulations! I too finally got my knee down at a track day at Reno Fernley about a month ago. Just about blew the next turn I was so excited about it! cool.gif


Glad we have another track junkie among us! You're looking good. I echo what Mark said: Cool paint job on the bike! Can you come out and paint my track bike? thumbsup.gif

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Those pics definitely show improvement!


Glad you had fun, and scuffed your pucks for the first time.


And I gotta agree...that's the slickest looking SV I think I've ever seen. cool.gif

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Great track pictures!

Russell, your new avatar. Are you pretending to be Nicky so Lisa will still love you? Or are you just jelous? grin.gif

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...that's the slickest looking SV I think I've ever seen. cool.gif


Thanks for the complements - I was actually thinking about repainting it into something a little more conservative, but if I get more positive comments I'm going to leave it just the way it is.

Another thing that happened at the event I got all my sag and rebound set for my weight etc. I had to replace Ohlin spring with a stiffer spring and cut down the tubes in my front forks. I also got bike measured with this G.D.M. Computrack system . It all came out just fine, frame is true and straight wheels are aligned and my trail is apparently on a quick side but within "good" limits.

The same instructor who was helping me out rode my bike before and after the adjustments and said that he could tell the difference. He said bike was more predictable in the turn and still pretty quick. One day I may be able to feel those things. I'm glad I got the bike measured this way I know where I'm at and if any adjustments need to be made it's a good starting point.

All that talk gets me excited about riding - I may have to do another event during the winter - maybe at Jennings.



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Looking great Mark! I may have to bring out the RT and let you romp all over me next year grin.gif


I rode with a number of sportbikers last weekend and really got my juices going again. Oh Pity dopeslap.gif

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I rode with a number of sportbikers last weekend and really got my juices going again. Oh Pity dopeslap.gif


Thanks Joe - this is a perfect time of the year to look for a SV - cheap, bullet proof and plenty of fun even for a hot shot like you.



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Well, I see you made it home safe and sound. I was pitted next to you and was riding the red R1. I am glad you enjoyed your 2 days on the track and learned a lot. Hope to see you again at the track.

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Well, I see you made it home safe and sound. I was pitted next to you and was riding the red R1. I am glad you enjoyed your 2 days on the track and learned a lot. Hope to see you again at the track.


It was good to meet you as well. I did say this was my last track day till the ski season is over, but now I'm not so sure. Eric and I may try to go some place warm during the winter - like Jennings.

I did like VIR a lot and I'll go back there for sure. I think the Spring Ducati day is in April and that sounds doable.



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If I am still in the United States I plan on being there in April for the two day event in April. I really enjoyed getting back to back days. The more track time you get the better and everybody will be rusty after the winter lay off.

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