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1st Annual Northern California Motorcyclist 1st Aid Class


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What an unbelieveable day!


I have to say that I am absolutely exhausted in the best of ways!!!!


Just wanted to get this post rolling to let people know that they REALLY missed out on an awesome class.


We had 48 people show up. No that should be said that we had 48 people GIVE up an absolutely gorgeous day to learn some valuable information that could make a big difference some day!!!


I will post somme of the great pictures later. Imagine four 6 foot sandwiches from Togo's, provided free of charge by A&S BMW Motorcycles with all the extras; onion, pepperoncini, chips, soda, coffee, water.


Imagine a goofy fire/medic from the San Diego area showing us how to use Maxi pads!! eek.gifeek.gif Yea, wait til you see that photo!!!!!!


I do want to make sure that there are some quick thank yous.


Jamie (KMG_365) for coming up without his beautiful bride to hang out with a bunch of us Northern california types to teach us all a lesson.

Charlie Proctor (Cheechoo) for providing all the custom printed name tags.

Jamie (2bmwfan) for all the admin support running the registration table.

River City Beemers ride club for providing the chair rental and all the printed material costs.

A&S for the above referenced yummies and the use of their facilities.

All of you for being there and giving up your day.


More to follow!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif



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Yes, I am sad I missed this. However, next year I'll just plan on coming to the full weekend...


Glad it went well.

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Thanks Phil & Jamie(x2) for pulling off yet one more event.

Cant say that a good time was had by all as this was a day of (mostly) somber nature.


Good "stuff" that hopfully no one will have to use.

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Phil, Jamie, and Jamie,

Thank you all very much for a fantastic weekend. Great hospitality, Great fun and great educational experience.

(Great margaritas Saturday night also!!!!!)

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Ditto on the thanx to everyone putting this on. Lots of great info and more food for thought (Togo's too thumbsup.gif)

It is comforting to know that there are so many riders out there that are interested in issues of this type. More to riding than pouring gas and sitting on the bike. See you all out there on the road (in one piece preferably)


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I didn't hit the tech day part of this but decided to have dinner with the crew right across from

the hotel. Man, what a great time!


Phil & Jaime, thank you so, so much for organizing this most excellent of days.


A&S provided not only lunch but a meeting place as well as a bit of history for those who wandered the

show room. Up above, more than one historical bike sits for folks to view. They even have an early

authority unit.


Lastly, thanks to Jaime for taking time out of your busy schedule to come up to give us all an

education I hope I'll never have to use.


I'll have some pictures later too.



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Pretty awsome group!


Phil, Jamie, Jamie...you all rock. What a WEEKEND! cool.gif


Learned some great stuff...what to do with loose "parts" (cool and wet but not on ice) eek.gif, herniated enviserations (like chandeliers!) eek.gifeek.gif, what ICE is and why I need it on my phone...priceless stuff and the image of Tom's flash going off the INSTANT the maxipad when up against Jamie's forehead...oh, Gawd it too bad he has a handle 'cause he'd sure have a classic now! lmao.gif


The Tech Daze and Class were so dang good missing a ride pales. Great stuff, thanks.



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Please explain to the crowd what it is you are doing with a Maxi pad on your forehead????????????????????? dopeslap.gifdopeslap.gif




Who's hungry?????



Gettin' yer learn on!!!!




Richard, ummm, the track goes the other way around !!!!




Shocker!!! 48 people and Richard is looking for camera time!!




We ahhhr helpin' the Terminator!!!



Tank is awfully trusting of us two firefighters!!!! Hee, hee, hee!!!



Hard at work getting us name tags!!!! THANK YOU!!!!



Sorry, you can't come in until you pass the gate keeper!!! Jamie (2bmwfan) hard at work with the admin/registration table!!! That's my wife and I love her!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif


Richard would have you think that his calves are worthy of checking out?! dopeslap.gifeek.gifooo.gif He's really probably checkin' out the bruises from Killer kicking him!!!




What a cool day that was had by all!!!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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What a great weekend in Northern California! Phil and Jamie (2bmwfan) had an awesome Tech Daze. I watched Eric pull on the alternator belt with the pink twine version 0.01a installer and I didn’t take a picture. dopeslap.gif Eric later found the R12ST is already equipped with the BMW alternator belt installer (aka helmet lock cable).


Today’s Motorcycle 1st Aid class was most excellent. Jamie (KMG_365) and Phil, you guys rock! You both are great presenters and you made the class lots of fun.


I am not sure I understand the “Dancing with Maxipads”. Is this some something that only Firemen and Paramedics understand?





It was great seeing everyone this weekend smile.gif

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Phil&Jamie - Jamie

Thanks for a great weekend- helping me get a tire on short notice, all the hospitality Saturday and a great class with all the info you never want to use....


And to the rest of the board folks and guests that we met this weekend- You all ROCK!!

Cant wait til the next Tech Daze - I'll learn how to set those valves yet!!


Great fun

Great new friends

cant wait until the next one!! Mebbe see you for the MLK PreFlight.... The Boss sez I can go... Now I just have to get it past the teacher....





Heck & Mrs Heck

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Jamie, Phil, Jamie,

Thanks for a great class! Thank you A&S for hosting and feeding. Too bad I had to take off early cuz I guess I missed the maxi pad demo! eek.gif

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Thanks to all who spoke, whether in the front or the back of the room. Lots of information and anecdotes shared. I learned a lot, and i.c.e. is now in my phone. Great group here.

Thanks, Chris

And it was all I could do to not test ride that RTP bncry.gif

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What a great event. Phil, Jamie, Charlie, Jamie, A&S pulled this off as if it were old hat for them. Old friends and new learning a lot of things we hope never to need to practice.



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What a great event!! clap.gif I learned a lot, and really enjoyed meeting everyone.


Thank you to Phil, Jamie, Jamie, A&S, and River City Beemers for putting this on, and thanks to everyone for welcoming a newbie.



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Thanks for a very informative seminar in a spectacular setting with a great group of friends. The giving nature of the members of this group is very refreshing. Thanks Jamie Edmonds for travelling so far to share your knowledge and experience. Thanks Phil and Jamie for the work and effort you put in to make the whole week-end work. Thanks to A & S for generously donating food, atmosphere, and the space to make it happen.


Thanks to all who attended for the comeradery. thumbsup.gif

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Back home in Dry Town as of about 16:45 this evening. Had a great ride from 49 to 50 over Sly Park Rd to Mormon Emigrant Trail to 88/89 and 395 to 15. I only saw the mid 30's a few times over Monitor Pass and overall traveling average was 68mph for the trip! Came home to a long hug from my wonderful wife and I was sure to pass on all the hugs and kisses from all of you who sent them with me to deliver. thumbsup.gif


What can I say about the wonderful, WONDERFUL people here? Phil and Jamie opened up their hearts and home to almost 40 of us for the Tech Daze on Saturday and then topped it off with gathering around 50 people to listen to me blather on for six hours about riders crashing. eek.gif


What a FABULOUS weekend! I really needed to get away and was very happy to get to see so many great friends (I only get to see too seldom) and meet some other great newbies as well!! clap.gif


It was also great seeing all the sharing of knowledge taking place not just at the Tech Day but at the First Aid Training, too!! I still remember my first Tech Daze: pulling into Sean and Shelly Daly's driveway with 6002 miles on Maynard and getting a thorough education and lots of encouragement--in the last 118,000 miles he's never seen the dealer for routine maintenance! In talking with Tank this weekend, he mentioned pulling into Roburt and Kristin Waldow's driveway just a few years ago with 6000 miles on his RT and never having met anyone from the DB. Now he's a wrenching guru in his own right and it was so gratifying to see him--as well as so many others--passing on their knowledge and love to other riders and making the newbies feel like one of the family right off the bat! cool.gif


For those of you who missed this round, Phil and A&S have committed to put this on every year (though maybe in the spring instead of the fall), so you'll get another chance coming up soon!


Thanks again to EVERYONE for all the help pulling off such a great weekend, and for being such a great group of folks I'm proud to call my friends! bncry.gif

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"There are no dumb questions - just a lot of inquisitive idiots." hyst.gif


BTW, upon hearing that you're a paramedic, "KMG_365" became crystal clear. Yes, I remember Station 51.... smile.gif

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Thanks Jamie for your expertise.... This event being our first actual get-together with the group- It was Awesome!!! thumbsup.gif


But... I gotta ask......


"Maxi Headroom" ???? lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif


It could have been worse!! grin.gif

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Wow. I'm soooo tired and really need to go to sleep, But i would be remiss, if i diddn't thank Jamie for coming up and doing this seminar, some really good stuff that is important to know, but it might never had happened if a hole slew of people didn't help out..... you know who you are. THANKS



Many on this DB talk of the LOVE generated around here and this weekend was a fine example of how it works

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Like I said, it could have been worse.....

"Dances with........"


Thanks again Jamie- was great to meet you. Looking forward to the next one....



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Please explain to the crowd what it is you are doing with a Maxi pad on your forehead????????????????????? dopeslap.gifdopeslap.gif





I think I can guess what the...uuhhh napkin could be used for in an emergency situation, but I just gotta ask...where do you find one that size?? Was it made for a horse??? confused.gif

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"Don't Ask . . . Don't Tell"



I'm not asken & I pray you aint-a telling



Well, you see, it all started on a cool breezy evening.


We were discussing whether or not we liked Pina Coladas, getting caught in the rain, whether we had half a brain and segued into something about having all my sisters with me when a man approached saying he had a large supply of pads. we were taken aback at first!


Oh, sorry, you said you didn't want us to tell. My bad!! dopeslap.gifdopeslap.gif

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I just want to know if the Brit and the Twin Max showed up this time!?


Or was he off to Martha's Vineyard to hang with Whip?


Kaisr (I am not jealous that I missed this) frown.gif



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I just want to know if the Brit and the Twin Max showed up this time!?
Well, to answer the question you asked: No, he did not.


To answer the question you MEANT to ask, yes he did.


Killer was at the Tech Daze that Phil hosted the day prior to this class, and he did bring his TwinMax. (I used Tank's TwinMax however because Bob was um, recovering. smile.gif )


Both Killer and I had to take off prior to this class (though I too wish I'd been able to attend.)

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