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Torrey Ride Oct 21-23


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A group from Salt Lake headed to Torrey on a ride organized by the fine folks at Motorcycle R&R. This is my tale of the events and fun had on that ride.


We planned to meet at the shop at 8am, a few of us gathered at 7 for breakfast before the ride. after breakfast we headed to the shop and were in no hurry to leave. The route down was planned as SLC to Fairview (ut89) to Huntington to 72 and Torrey. we left SLC in small groups, the group I was in was Ron, Quinn, Steve and I. When I left my home at 7am it was a cold 33f outside.


we regrouped in fairview here is a picture of the group:



after a 30 or so minute stop to warm up, adjust gear, or whatever, off we went. I don't know what the temp was at the top of Fairview canyon but it was indeed cold!! I was all warm and cozy in my gear so it was not an issue. This happened to be the general opener for the Utah deer hunt, there was hunter orange everywhere along the roads and mountains. the traffic wasn't to bad down into huntington.


We stopped in Ferron for a bite to eat at the only burger shop there. it was a pleasant surprise that the food was very tastey.


while at lunch we decided we were getting to Torrey to quickly so we decided to veer off to Fish Lake on our way. The picture below is a stop at Johnson Valley just before Fish Lake.



This is a view of the bikes at the Rim Rock Inn, east of Torrey, almost to the entrance of Capital Reef.




This is a sunset picture from the parking lot:



and sunrise (Bob indicated his weather station said it was 25f):





Sunday morning we split into two basic groups. one group headed on a GS ride lead by Killer, he posted a ride report on that earlier this week. the other group headed to Lake Powell. We decided to do the route slightly different from the Lake Powell ride this board hosts in that we stopped for lunch on the Bullfrog side of the lake, and then took the ferry.









one rider with us was on a brand new 2007 KTM 950 adventure. he had just over 1100 miles on it when he left salt lake.



we ended up being the only vehicles on the ferry this trip across to Halls Crossing.



instead of zooming back around to hite, hanksville, and Torrey, we turned right at the junction and wandered about 10 miles south to Natural Bridges for a detour.








We then headed back north and stopped at the Hite overlook.





Monday, I had to be back to Salt Lake fairly early. some of the group headed south on 12 to Bryce, some others were going to loop towards lake powell to Blanding and then home. I decided to reverse my route on 72. I have always been going pretty fast and in a group going north. this time it turns out I was following some hunters near the top so I stopped to take a picture at the overlook.



When I got home, my son was so excited to see me. it seems he missed me and wanted to be with me as I unloaded from the trip. I snapped these real quick as he will be my future riding partner.






It was a great weekend even it was cold at times. My thanks to Jeff and Ron for organizing the trip even if they don't come to this board.


Bob, it was good seeing you again and dining with you. until my next trip, have fun! (you always seem to)



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If I had been there, I would have taken your ride instead of Bob's. The rocks looked considerably smaller.

Didn't know there was a ferry across the lake. Surprised it doesn't hit bottom.

See ya. Bill

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Nice pix, my friend. This is truly gorgeous riding country. Looked a bit chilly, but cooler is better than blazing hot, IMHO.


Ride safely,

Steve in So Cal

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