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An observation of minimal brain stem activity


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OK, all of you bunched up g-string wearin', "judge not lest you be judged", feel good, "can't we just get along", "have a nice day" smilie button wearing folks, DON'T READ THIS! I am about to offend you!





So, I'm riding in this AM about 8. In the HOV lane ('cuz I can! clap.gif). The freeway, believe it or not, is pretty busy. Flowing, but busy. Enough cars that I really couldn't thread my way through the traffic easily. Yeah, welcome to friggin' L.A. Oh, BTW, I had to split lanes last night at 8:45 'cuz Friday Escape Traffic was still going on! dopeslap.gif (Have I said lately how much I love L.A.? Randy Newman? You can keep your song.)

So, anyways, doing 75 and this squid on crotch rocket brand _____ passes me on the right. OOOOOK. Passes the car in front of me. Bogie on radar, 12:00. Few minutes later, something looks odd with his bike. Where'd his tail lights go? Huh? Oh, fa crisesake, he's pullin' a wheelie! eek.gif Then another. Moves into the main lanes. A few more. This wasn't no deserted stretch o' highway to practice. One boo-boo and MIMV behind him would've only had time to scream, "Oh, crap, Margie!" into her cell phone before she embossed "Turenza" onto his spinal column!

Now, all you "let's just hug" folks here, I ain't judging him as a person, only his actions. What a friggin' moron!!! Oh, sorry, what stupid actions! .......Nah, like the first one better. grin.gif

OK, I feel better now. I'm at work, the coffee's made. Think I'll read the paper now. (Work, work! grin.gif) Um, can I get a hug? lmao.gif

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The first bike I had that would power wheelie was an RD350. Had a lot of fun on that one and honed my skilz. Then I got a Kaw 500 triple and had to relearn things a bit as it came up harder. I used to do multi block long wheelies on my CB750 even shifting into higher gears once I got the bike to the balance point. It got much better with the 810 kit in it and then even better when I put a 1036 kit in it and ported the head, cams, you know the drill.


Then I got to racing a bit more seriously and found out that you can lose great big amounts of money if you back off the throttle to control a wheelstand. Learned how to control the clutch and throttle to just keep that front wheel about a foot in the air.


Most of this occurred over 30 years ago when traffic was not what it is today. I still confess to occasionally letting exuberance get the better hand when riding the Blackbird although the combination of acceleration and the shear speed at which you are going in even first gear can make things, ummmm, interesting.


To do a wheel stand is no big feat, to do so in traffic is more than a bit foolish. The consequences of the need for a rapid change of speed and a bike with its front wheel dangling 3 feet in the air can be pretty severe. However, as near as I can remember, things like consequences didn't enter my mind very much back then. I now have a collection of creaky old bones (some broken and healed) in a bag of sagging flesh (with some of it scarred) to remind me that there are consequences. May the squid live to attain enlightenment.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if, when developing those skills, one also developed the good sense to know that there's a time and place for that stuff?


The thing that gets me about it the most is that the drivers that person aggravated today might turn into the ones tomorrow that do things like squeeze me out of my lane or refuse to let me in because they've decided anything on two wheels is just rude roadkill without sense enough to stop moving.


That, and being green with envy about not being able to do it yet. wink.gif

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Must be 'American tostesterone'.... never seen anyone do that here in 40+ years of driving/riding...... Come to think of it.. I don't think it is forbidden by law actually. Usually stupidy is NOT forbidden, only witholding TAXES is ...... eek.gifwink.gif

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I don't think it is forbidden by law actually.
I don't know that it's specifically forbidden here either. That is, I don't think there is a, 'Though shan't not wheelie thy motorcycle' law. What they get you for here is, "reckless driving (riding)." Or, "operating a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner."
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I don't think it is forbidden by law actually.
I don't know that it's specifically forbidden here either. That is, I don't think there is a, 'Though shan't not wheelie thy motorcycle' law. What they get you for here is, "reckless driving (riding)." Or, "operating a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner."


In the UK the offence is 'Failing to be in proper contol of the vehicle' a nice all-encompassing charge which saw one woman fined for eating an apple whilst she drove.....



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Had one of them the other afternoon. 6PM. On my way to visit Mom and Dad. Moron (yes, moron. . .the software doesn't allow me to say dumbf&%k) in the next lane stick his Gixxer's nose in the air right next to me as we climb Kellogg Hill on I-10 near Cal Poly Pomona. Had it up there long enough for me to get infuriated and consider a quick swerve (naw, might injure someone other than him, plus there were witnesses), accelerating to get in front of him then slowing down (he probably wasn't insured if he hits me), and a bunch of other stuff (I'm being facetious and I never would do any of those things, but the thoughts did cross my mind). I finally settled on grabbing my cell phone, flipping it open, placing it up against the window with the camera pointing at him.


Got a nice shot of him. He never noticed. He dropped the front wheel to the ground (which by now had stopped spinning, causing a very nice wobble), then accelerated past me as I took another shot of his license plate. I've been wondering whether to send the pics to the Highway Patrol or not. But your post and what I hear from a number of customers tells me that this public stunting has gone too far. I don't know if it's gonna do any good, but I think I'll burn them onto a CD and send it in.

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And you haven't posted the picky-tures here.........WHY?



After all, no one's heard of Gleno being in town!


No. There are probably legal issues if I posted them and he were identifiable.


As for Gleno, I believe he's been a good citizen of late. He's all about family and being a grampa. It's a good side of him to see. thumbsup.gif

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