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lessons from a crash


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Any lessons and discussions from this disturbing video?

The German sportbike rider seems well protected and wearing ATGATT. Did the videographer distract him? Why did he shift and accelerate just before the accident? Improper braking action, no use of front brake, rear wheel panic braking, panic foot down are evident of a classic "brain freeze". Can anyone estimate the speed from the speedometer?

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It looks like he slid the rear wheel out and got into a little wobble. He (she?) obviously knew the camera was on and wanted to perform a bit. Good thing he was properly attired.

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It looks like he(?) goosed it, it broke loose (which he's obviously not used to), target fixated, brain freeze, and KABLAM!




Or his Fred Flintstone brakes needed new shoes! grin.gif (Lord, I apologize and take care of all the starving pigmeas. Amen.)

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Joe Frickin' Friday
It looks like he(?) goosed it, it broke loose (which he's obviously not used to), target fixated, brain freeze, and KABLAM!


Well, I ain't no accident reconstruction expert, but here's my thoughts.


Target fixation may have been an issue. After the wiggle (which appeared to have been caused by simple over-exuberant acceleration in a turn, or maybe a spot of gravel), he was all kitty-wampus on his bike, leaving him in a position where he may not have been able to brace himself properly for either turning or braking.


Although turning may have been the better option, he seems to have chosen braking: there is a camera tilt that leaves the biker mostly out-of-frame for a moment before impact, and shortly after the biker is back in the frame, his brake light comes on and there is a cloud of dust/smoke below the bike indicating braking. before he accelerated his speedo looked like it might have been at about 1/4-1/3 of its full range of motion, so I'm guessing maybe he was doing 45-55 mph before he got on the gas? He didn't bounce very far or high after the bike impacted the curb and wall, so I'm guessing he managed to dump quite a bit of forward speed immediately before impact, i.e. maybe he got it down to 30 MPH.

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Lost it for whatever reason, brain freeze, target fixation, improper/no braking are all true. However, I'm pretty sure most or all his speed was scrubbed of by the wall. crazy.gif I used to stop that way learning to roller skate as a youth. lmao.gif


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However, I'm pretty sure most or all his speed was scrubbed of by the wall.

OK, I'm sorry, I know it's just WRONG to snicker, I'll go straight to h3ll, forgive me.......






Dang that was a funny line!

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As his foot begins to come into the picture in slo-mo, it looks like he just completed a downshift (foot is in the act of moving). He likely had the RPMs all wrong when he dumped the clutch and that started the wiggle. Brain freeze after feeling the wiggle combined with target fixation finished the job.

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That was taken at the Isle of Man.....a very high speed tank slapper!!

When it happens at that speed there's not much you can do but hang on and pray eek.gifeek.gif!

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