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CD repair manual for R12RT


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Ok, this may have been covered somewhere but I can't find it with my searches. I see repair manuals listed on E-Bay from time to time for something like 9-10 US dollars. Has anyone bought one? What is the general consensus about these? Are they legitimate? Where is everyone getting theirs and what are you paying?



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Most of the CD's on EBAY are rip-offs, hence we do not allow linking to them to avoid suits against the board management.


Motobins in the UK sell legitimate CDs for less than the main dealer price, including shipping to the USA.


HTH, Andy thumbsup.gif

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I bought mine from a dealer in the UK and received it within a week. It has everyting but I don't like the man-machine interface of the software nearly as well as the 1150 version. It doesn't lend itself to printing out major sections.

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I re-read the terms of use here and I don't think I've done anything wrong by asking my question(s). To be clear, is/are my question(s) appropriate? I got in trouble earlier for something I wrote, it is starting to feel like I'm walking on egg shells here.


My appoligies up front if I've broken the rules again.


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I re-read the terms of use here and I don't think I've done anything wrong by asking my question(s). To be clear, is/are my question(s) appropriate? I got in trouble earlier for something I wrote, it is starting to feel like I'm walking on egg shells here.


My appoligies up front if I've broken the rules again.



The question was not an infraction. Offering to sell copies of the CD would be grin.gif



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As I recall, that previous thread got kinda off-track with a discussion of electronic piracy.


BMW charges $125 or thereabouts for their copyrighted electronic manual. Some discount of that retail price should be expected in the normal, legal retail channels but a $9 price in "the marketplace" should make one question the legality and/or morality of the product.


As for me: I wanted one - didn't want to cheat the copyright system - so I bought it from my local dealer.



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As Andy said Motobins offers the CD at a reasonable price as does Chicago BMW (just be prepared to wait a long time for shipment from them if your experience is like mine).


As someone else stated above, the CD is by and large a disappointment in its implementation (not content). My hope was to print the various sections as they were used and place those pages in a 3 ring binder, thus "building" a hard copy as time went on. However the format of the manual is such that, for most pages, the text appears and pictures are hyperlinked to separate pop up windows. This means printing in any usable form will require cutting and pasting to the point of nausea. If Haynes or Clymer ever decides to print a manual I suspect that will be my reference of choice except in specific cases. Since I plan on, and enjoy, doing my own work the CD purchase wasn't much of an option. If you're looking for light reading or just a reference you may want to consider the benefit/$$ ratio before buying. Good luck.

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