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Bob "Killer" Palin's Party - September 21 - Torrey Utah

Bob Palin

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Bob Palin

I posted this as a comment on the Torrey Dates topic but I wanted to make sure everybody saw it

2024 marks 20 years since you all abandoned me in Torrey and I am having a party at my house to celebrate in coordination with the Fall Torrey event.

Everybody is invited whether this is your first Torrey or your 40th.


I have space for tents in my back yard if people want to camp, in fact I have several large tents that I can put up, you'll have to bring sleeping gear. If you plan on camping please let me know so that I can gauge what I need to do (porta-potties?)  The party will be all day/evening Saturday but you can arrive any time in the week before and stay a few days after.

I have two dogs! They're friendly, sometimes too friendly.
No gifts please - as many know I already have a garage full of stuff!

You don't have to RSVP but it would help for planning food etc.

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I wasn't there to leave you behind, but I'll be there to celebrate it!

I've never been to your place. Is it within walking distance of the Chuckwagon?

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Bob Palin
49 minutes ago, Groanup said:

I wasn't there to leave you behind, but I'll be there to celebrate it!

I've never been to your place. Is it within walking distance of the Chuckwagon?

About 1/2 mile from the CW.

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4 hours ago, Groanup said:

I wasn't there to leave you behind, but I'll be there to celebrate it!

I've never been to your place. Is it within walking distance of the Chuckwagon?

About the same as walking to Hunt and Gather.  

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Sharon and I will be there for the party.  Staying at the CW.

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We will be there for the party too! Hauling our kids out to the desert wasn’t too hard of a sell - took all of five minutes for them to say yes, that sounds like a fun time!


coming via planes and cage - looking forward to catching up and sharing the magical place. Staying at the CW. 

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Can you explain what this is all about?  Stayed in Torrey last Friday night at the Noor and ate at the Mexican place on the property.  Great place to eat I must say.  Was with wife and daughter returning from several National Park visits.  Have done Hwy12 and 24 four times now.  Always great roads even in a cage. 

Just wondering what the Torrey thing is all about.

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Bob Palin
14 hours ago, mophead said:

Can you explain what this is all about?

Just wondering what the Torrey thing is all about.

For over 20 years a group of people associated with this board have been meeting in Torrey twice a year, there are many many stories about previous Torrey events in this forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back from the Ortho doc - no back surgery needed.  I'll be there.  Now for the 6 weeks of PT.  Ugh. 

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  • 1 month later...

In. I'll be staying at the Chuckwagon, but look forward to seeing you and everyone that can make it.

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Dang, I just canceled my room at the Chuckwagon, Old Guy surgery on the near horizon... I really needed this for mental health. Looking at the roaster , old friends and  people i have wanted to greet will be there. Have fun. Post lots of pictures

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Washed the bike a week before departure. Very much looking forward to seeing y’all. 


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I am tempted to go down there, just for the party.


I was down there 2 days ago, the 14th. 


Lower Calf Creek Falls is still closed. 


I will recommend to all of you what I went down there for.  Hell's Backbone road.  It starts just south of the Sinclair in Boulder and ends in Escalante.  Mostly just gravel/dirt road and some washboard but worth it for the scenery.


If you haven't gone that way, it is a ride worth it.


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OK, I have 15 pizzas, some beer, some sodas, chips & dip etc. I'm sure we will need more beer! If you want to bring more snacky stuff that would be great.

We'll start putting pizzas in the oven around 5pm, I can do 3 at a time so it will stretch out for a while.

Come over any time after 11ish, leave any time before 11ish on Sunday 8-)


Please close the gate so that the dogs don't wander off.

It doesn't matter if this is your first or your 40th Torrey weekend, you are welcome.

My address is 182 S River Dr, about 1/2 mile west of the Chuck Wagon opposite Sand Creek RV Park.

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So, Bob actually forgot the true story of how he got "left here" in Torrey 20 years ago (and it's not at all like Whip getting left behind, don't let him fool you!).
Bob lived in Fallbrook, CA near us in San Diego, and it was during one of those early visits between just after the first UnRally in Gunnison, CO in summer of 2002 and 2004 (our first official Torrey was Spring of 2003, right after I had bought my R150RT).

Leslie related tonight that one morning in Torrey (2003-2004?), Bob told us that whilst looking in the bathroom mirror that day, he had been suddenly struck full-on by a bright shaft of light streaming in the window. Leslie commented at the time, that it obviously a clear sign from the Larger Consciousness System (LCS, Spirit, Wakantanka, Creator, etc.), that he was to pull up stakes in CA and move to Torrey.  :18:

Leslie and I just pulled in this afternoon (in the cage). It's SO great to see old friends (and faces!) again!  :beer:

Looking forward to the party on Saturday! :clap: (Hey, look, Greg!  It's "the little waving guy"! :wave: )

On Saturday, Bob's got an online meeting at 10am (until 11am) local time, and we're staying in Bob's 5th Wheel.  :-)

At 11am I'm actually hosting a monthly movie watching party (FREE on Zoom) for folks who follow the Unification of Science And Consciousness (CUSAC) work of former NASA Physicist and 50-year consciousness researcher, Tom Campbell, author of the "My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything)" trilogy. This month's "movie" is actually a documentary "MixTape" of seven short snippets from different docs and YouTube videos relating to the famous Quantum Mechanics "Double Slit" experiment from about 100 years ago. It's a sampler from the BBC, Veritasium, PBS, even an old scene from Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" explaining the famous 19th Century book, "Flatland".

If you're interested in Quantum Mechanics, the nature of reality, why we're here in this apparent Physical Matter Reality in the first place, and why the preponderance of the data for the last 100 years shows that it is very likely that we actually live in a Virtual Reality (and our consciousness is "the player" logged on to these "avatars" here in this VR game), you're welcome to join us for the Quantum Mechanics MixTape documentary movie! Run time will be about an hour and 45 minutes, with a lively discussion to follow.

You can log on here from anywhere in the world to join us at 11am Mountain Daylight Time (MDT):

If you're not sure when that is in your time zone, you can go here:

If you want to get caught up on Tom's My Big TOE (MBT) without reading the 820 pages of his MBT trilogy, I highly suggest the "Overview of MBT" on his (new) website:

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Mark and I were talking timing last night, because he was here for Bob’s decision to move. That would make it the September 2003 Torrey. Mark had left his job mid-2003, and bought a bike to clear out the cobwebs. 

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A heartfelt thanks for sharing your homestead with all of us. When we left for ice cream I thought we'd be right back but we got into some amazing conversation and they had to kick us out of the place! I meant to return to the party and never got to say goodbye. (I hate goodbyes anyways).

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11 hours ago, Fasterpill said:


A heartfelt thanks for sharing your homestead with all of us. When we left for ice cream I thought we'd be right back but we got into some amazing conversation and they had to kick us out of the place! I meant to return to the party and never got to say goodbye. (I hate goodbyes anyways).


No worries, it was good to see you.

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Thanks to everybody who came to visit this weekend, great to see some old faces.  I don't have any pictures so if you took some could you share them here.

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On 9/23/2024 at 10:19 AM, Bob Palin said:

  I don't have any pictures so if you took some could you share them here.

Ok, who are you and what did you do with the old Bob Palin? :classic_mellow: My memory of Bob is he’s the most awesome picture taker! :read: :spittake:

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21 minutes ago, TEWKS said:

Ok, who are you and what did you do with the old Bob Palin? :classic_mellow: My memory of Bob is he’s the most awesome picture taker! :read: :spittake:

Well, I took hundreds today of the changing leaves on Boulder Mountain...

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Here are mine. Just remember I'm an amateur photographer. 







There's one in every crowd...



You provided a very nice sunset for your party. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the view from Bob's back yard, how a house should look (with lots a beemers), and 3 party pics.








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