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NEBDR planning for this summer.

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@Boxflyer Brad, too bad you didn’t take up adventure riding.  30 down to Lew Beach. ;)


Anyway, there’s probably an easier way to build the route (like, maybe downloading it) :dopeslap: but I, like the route itself, tend to make things more difficult than they need to be. :rofl: 


I’ll get it done and keep any adventure seekers informed as to when. Probably July.

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Well I’ve got the NEBDR off the paper map and onto the digital. ;) It’s 1,330 miles by my calculations. Plans are too loose right now to talk about it seriously but, like I mentioned, July feels like a good month for this. :cool:

Hancock NY. to Boundary Pond in Pittsburg NH. 



Northeast Backcountry Discovery Route if you were wondering.


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11 hours ago, Hank in WV said:

If all the stars align, we're planning on it in late June.

Probably a little flexible on my timeline. Keep us posted when you nail down your departure date. Maybe could meet up at the start in Hancock anyway. :dontknow: Even if we didn’t ride together, usually with similar start times you’re bumping into each other at different points on the route. :thumbsup:

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Hank in WV

Will do but you'll have to make up your mind to ride with a couple of old men on little bikes.:old:

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I’ve been surprised in the past by an older man (said respectfully) on a little bike. I’m sure he’s not the only one out there. :18:

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I have one word for that Pat............Nope.  That looked and sounded a little nerve racking.  

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18 minutes ago, Ron-M said:

I have one word for that Pat............Nope.  That looked and sounded a little nerve racking.  

I can assure you I wasn’t acting (the fear was real) on Black Bear. :spittake:

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Heck, I was even scared just watching it.   Is he gonna slide off the cliff edge?



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That’s why I was hugging the wall, my fear of falling off the edge! :classic_ohmy: I wasn’t in Bill’s helmet but it appeared that he had no such worry! :spittake:

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I was definitely concerned, and distracted enough I forgot to turn on my camera. We knew the steps were coming just not exactly when, I think the mist/fog were actually a boon because you (I) couldn't see over the edge to divert your attention away, the bike just bounced a few times then it was over, phew.. The bad part is the KTM was jetted for sea level and was spitting and popping like it was out of fuel, also the previous owner had installed a rekluse clutch and I hadn't learned how to activate engine braking (there aren't any hills in Florida : ) so it just free-wheeled going down, trying to keep the revs up and riding both brakes made it even more interesting. 


It'd been on my radar a long time, I'm just lucky I had the right riding partner to do it with, bucket list achieved, thanks buddy. :thumbsup: I remember walking out of the Sheridan Hotel bar in about 1974 and a guy said there's a road that goes over that mountain, I said no effing way, he said way. :eek:  It wasn't as well defined or as wide then but this is it looking from part way up Imogene Pass road on a previous trip.




This is how it looks from downtown, coincidentally the Sheridan Hotel on the left.




We rode over some other hills that day and the next, it was a memorable few days for sure.









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Nice pics Bill, they’re making me regret selling my WR just a wee bit. It was a weird impulse sale, you, you’re gone! :cuz: :dontknow: I think that was the ride of a lifetime for sure, very glad we got to do it! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hank in WV

Tewks, as of now, it looks like we will leave here and be in Hancock late in the day of the @#rd of June. Something to keep in mind

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Thanks Hank, 

13 minutes ago, Hank in WV said:

be in Hancock late in the day of the @#rd of June.

I’m not sure what day that is. Is it code for throwing off the wife or something? :dontknow: :classic_biggrin:


I hope we can meet up, it will be fun. It will be best if it’s later June, my daughter will be out of school by then and sleeping till one or two O’clock in the afternoon. :classic_biggrin:

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A wee bit of local advice for the Hancock NY area. Beware the various constabulary on Route 17/I-86. They're rather fussy about the 55 MPH limit in the Town of Hancock. I've represented at least a few folks who received "performance awards" while passing through the area. Otherwise, it's a beautiful area. Enjoy.

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Thanks for the speed ^ reminder! :thumbsup:


So, this is beginning to take shape rather quickly, which is great! :yes: In the next few days I’m going to call and see if I can get a room for Sunday June 23rd at the Upper Delaware Inn. With a departure on the NEBDR Monday morning the 24th. 

@Hank in WV and friend

@TEWKS and @Mitch Triumphant

@Chef Paul is interested. 


I may only ride till Wednesday or Thursday and peel off for home and finish up another time but we’ll see in June.

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7 minutes ago, TSConver said:

I am interested just now sure if I can swing it.  You riding big bikes?


1 minute ago, TSConver said:

Also are you camping along the route?

Looks like 3 big adventure bikes and two smaller DP bikes if everyone ends up going.

Yes on camping for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Hank and his buddy and maybe Chef Paul will have to answer after that.

Mentioned I might not be able to complete all of it in one outing. 

Be great to have you on the ride if you can make it! :thumbsup:

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18 hours ago, TEWKS said:

Yes on camping for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Hank and his buddy and maybe Chef Paul will have to answer after that.


No idea if this falls into your plan/itinerary but I lucked into a pretty cool little motel in Woodsville, NH once. Nootka Lodge, it's made of logs, rustic but modern altho it was about 20 years ago. My then GF and I borrowed a nephew's K1200RS and did a big scenic loop from Cape Cod up thru Vermont and NH over a couple days and that was where we stopped. Next day after the Kancamagus and some small towns we were coming back into the outskirts of Boston. probably somewhere around Tewksbury now that I think of it.


At a stoplight I noticed smoke coming out of one of the saddlebags so pulled into a gas station that luckily had a hose on the side. I'd given her the exhaust side (small) bag and when she closed it that morning didn't notice a piece of clothing was hanging out. When I opened it everything was smoldering inside but saved about half of it with the water hose, she wasn't happy with her soaked undergarments scattered about the parking lot with several onlookers by now : ) It messed up (melted) the saddlebag a little too but I had one at home and sent it my nephew later. Just think, if I hadn't caught it in time we might've met under more unfortunate circumstances : ) 

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7 minutes ago, roadscholar said:

Woodsville, NH once. Nootka Lodge

I will check that out for sure. Truth be told I love the “adventure camping theme or imagine” but one or two nights on the ground and a mattress will be a calling! :classic_biggrin:


That sounded like a “hot date” for sure Bill! :spittake:

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She was a firecracker to say the least. Oddly it was at a time when I'd lost interest in cars and totally immersed with bikes, she had a red Boxster S from a divorce and did track days/instructing with it. I was burned out and never even rode in it, no interest whatsoever,. Did teach her to ride motorcycles though on road and off, it was fun while it lasted : ) Now she and her current husband race vintage bikes (he's really good) and go to some pretty big events around the world, she crashes every year or two and usually breaks something but keeps getting back on, no fear. :classic_biggrin:

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I just booked a room for Sunday June 23rd at the Upper Delaware Inn. They happen to be very NEBDR friendly.

(why not, business is business) :classic_biggrin: 

Anyway, Rich told me they are hosting a BDR event at their place this month. I asked if they could move it to June but… :dontknow: :spittake: I guess the creator of the NEBDR is going to be there to speak.


The rooms were a little pricey but splitting the cost will help there. 

I forgot to ask if they had room to keep a truck and trailer but they might have info on that. :dontknow:

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6 minutes ago, TEWKS said:




Wonder though if they would let you leave while riding the BDR?

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8 minutes ago, TSConver said:


Wonder though if they would let you leave while riding the BDR?

It sounds like it but don’t know for sure. A quick call would answer that. Are you talking big camper/toy hauler or just a bike trailer?

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3 minutes ago, TEWKS said:

It sounds like it but don’t know for sure. A quick call would answer that. Are you talking big camper/toy hauler or just a bike trailer?


I sent them a note on line.  Just a bike trailer.

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They said sorry during the summer they do not have the extra space for a tow vehicle.

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Well the boss told me I could go and my job is fine with me taking the time off.  So I am definitely a maybe for the trip.

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On 4/13/2024 at 2:57 PM, TEWKS said:

I will check that out for sure. Truth be told I love the “adventure camping theme or imagine” but one or two nights on the ground and a mattress will be a calling! :classic_biggrin:


That sounded like a “hot date” for sure Bill! :spittake:


Don't think I mentioned it but I checked the route, it goes right thru Woodsville, NH. Nootka Lodge.


Welcome to the Nootka

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Hank in WV

As a rule, we pretty much gump it, tewks. Hoping for no issues around the 4th.

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38 minutes ago, Hank in WV said:

Hoping for no issues around the 4th.

IDK, people do tend to travel but it falls on a Thursday. :dontknow: Stealth Camping. :classic_ninja: :classic_biggrin:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maps are loaded, hotel in Hancock is booked, gotta take the time off at work, should not be a problem. My plan is to ride Monday and Tuesday with @Hank in WV and his buddy, camping both nights. Then peeling off for home Wednesday. Love to finish it all in one outing but obligations are obligations. I think my buddy Mitch is going to go, maybe Chef Paul, and another maybe but a much bigger commitment from @TSConver.



Should be a good time! :yes:

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Hank in WV

Pat, hope this won't mess things up too much, but one of the three of us still works and he doesn't know for sure which day he can get off to go. So basically, our schedule is up to him. I'll let you know when I find out more.

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No problem, just let me know if your dates change, I’ll see if I can change my hotel reservation. :thumbsup:

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Any idea on dates? Still bugging out after Tuesday? Not sure riding 8 hours up there is worth just 2 days on the bdr for me to come. Also if dayes are moving that will be an issue for me.

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Waiting on Hank’s buddy to see if his time off fits departing on Monday the 24th. If they have to change dates and if I can’t change the hotel booking I made already, I will still set out on the 24th.


Shawn, the ride up will suck to be honest especially if the NEBDR can’t be completed in one outing. 

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Hank in WV

Pat, just heard from Jason. We'll be leaving here on Sat the 22nd and riding the route starting Sun the 23rd. Sorry for changing everything up. Hope we can still make this work.

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11 minutes ago, Hank in WV said:

Pat, just heard from Jason. We'll be leaving here on Sat the 22nd and riding the route starting Sun the 23rd. Sorry for changing everything up. Hope we can still make this work.

How far do you guys plan to ride? Camping all the way?

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46 minutes ago, Hank in WV said:

Pat, just heard from Jason. We'll be leaving here on Sat the 22nd and riding the route starting Sun the 23rd. Sorry for changing everything up. Hope we can still make this work.

Thanks Hank, I’ll see if I can bump my room back one night. Now, if I do and you guys change the date again I’ll know you’re trying to ditch me! :rofl:

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37 minutes ago, TSConver said:

How far do you guys plan to ride? Camping all the way?

Can’t speak for Hank and crew but it sounds like they’re going to finish it up in one outing. So, if I peel out on Wednesday (which is actually great, three days on the BDR instead of two) you’d have company with those guys! :thumbsup: Maybe Hank has pickup & trailer parking near him in WV… :dontknow: That would beat slabbing it all the way up on two wheels before the ride.

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Hank in WV
3 hours ago, TSConver said:

How far do you guys plan to ride? Camping all the way?

Shawn, we're figuring on riding the whole route. We'd like to camp every night weather permitting. Two years ago doing the cpaat, we hoteled it one night. Really didn't want to set camp in a hurricane.

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Rebooked for Saturday night the 22nd, ready to ride on Sunday the 23rd! :thumbsup: Hank, you guys staying in Hancock or close by on Saturday night? Trying to locate a good meet up spot (breakfast) for Sunday morn. 

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12 hours ago, Hank in WV said:

Shawn, we're figuring on riding the whole route. We'd like to camp every night weather permitting. Two years ago doing the cpaat, we hoteled it one night. Really didn't want to set camp in a hurricane.

Any parking I could use?

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Hank in WV
9 hours ago, TEWKS said:

Rebooked for Saturday night the 22nd, ready to ride on Sunday the 23rd! :thumbsup: Hank, you guys staying in Hancock or close by on Saturday night? Trying to locate a good meet up spot (breakfast) for Sunday morn. 

Pat, we're still pretty much gumping it. I'm sure we'll be staying around Hancock somewhere. I'll let you know.

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