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Don Miller


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Some of you may know my long time riding buddy Don Miller who was a member here and attended the ART events.  I met Don in November 2000 when I bought my first BMW from him, a 1997 R1100RT. When I bought that RT from Don I not only acquired a pristine well maintained bike but I also got a new riding buddy!  


Don taught me all the nuances of being a BMW rider, gear, maintenance, and riding style.  I taught Don about Americade, the Honda Hoot and other motorcycle events.  We attended a dozen or so Americade and Honda Hoot events together.  Don led me through the thickest fog ever on the BRP,  black ice on the north side of Rt 311 in Virginia,  rain so blinding I could not find the exit on I-77 along with a lot of sunny curvy roads!   For 24 years Don and I rode together, shared 1000's of miles and built a small group of riding buddies together.  I attended my very first MOA National Rally with Don in Charleston in 2003. Don was a loyal BMW Rider and on Friday picked up a 1300GS.   

Sadly we lost Don today.  There is now a big empty space in my motorcycle world that will be hard to fill. 







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I'm so sorry Ed.... That would be like me losing Mitch. Rest in peace Don. :(

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I am sorry to hear Ed. RIP Don. 

I have lost a few friends over the years and it is not an easy thing.

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9 hours ago, RTinNC said:

Some of you may know my long time riding buddy Don Miller who was a member here and attended the ART events.  I met Don in November 2000 when I bought my first BMW from him, a 1997 R1100RT. When I bought that RT from Don I not only acquired a pristine well maintained bike but I also got a new riding buddy!  


Don taught me all the nuances of being a BMW rider, gear, maintenance, and riding style.  I taught Don about Americade, the Honda Hoot and other motorcycle events.  We attended a dozen or so Americade and Honda Hoot events together.  Don led me through the thickest fog ever on the BRP,  black ice on the north side of Rt 311 in Virginia,  rain so blinding I could not find the exit on I-77 along with a lot of sunny curvy roads!   For 24 years Don and I rode together, shared 1000's of miles and built a small group of riding buddies together.  I attended my very first MOA National Rally with Don in Charleston in 2003. Don was a loyal BMW Rider and on Friday picked up a 1300GS.   

Sadly we lost Don today.  There is now a big empty space in my motorcycle world that will be hard to fill. 






This is so heartbreaking. I'm so desperately sorry Ed for the loss of your great friend. My Condolences to you and his family and friends. Sending love, strength and understanding to all and hoping thsat cherished memories bring a little comfort in the difficult days ahead. RIP Don


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Ed, thanks very much for posting this.  I am still in shock after you brought me into Don's world several years ago.  He became a good riding friend and I appreciated his collegiality and sense of humor.  Photo attached of a dinner gathering at a START ride a couple of years ago (Don in the middle left, between you and Alan).  RIP Don, we will miss you.


Start dinner.jpeg

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Dennis Andress

Sad news indeed Ed. I offer my condolences to you and all who knew him.

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Never met him, but still sorry to hear it none the less.  I've lost a few riding friends over the years and its never easy.  Prayers on the way for him, his family and friends.

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I've know Don for 20 years and we go back to his days in Medina NY. It was Don who turned me on to long distance riding and who first invited me to Americade where I met Ed, John, Lance and others who have become good friends and 2 wheeled companions. It was Don who advised me on my first BMW - and who was gave me so much road wisdom. 


I will miss him as will we all. 


God Bless and console Phyllis and his children. May he rest in peace. 


His memory will always be a blessing to me. 



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Bill Murray

Ed, thanks for sharing your great memories. My condolences on your loss.


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Jim Miller



This is an especially difficult post for me, as Don was my brother and closest friend. We’d ridden hundreds of thousands of miles together since our Father introduced us to motorcycling on that memorable Fall day in 1964. We didn’t know it at the time, but that afternoon was a life changing experience for both of us. In the years that followed, we rode everywhere together. It was trail riding at first, but we came of age, driver’s licenses happened and Dad soon got us involved in long distance touring. We shared some genuine, epic adventures on those rides. From Cape Breton Island to the Canadian Rockies and coast to coast across America. We did Iron Butt rides before there was an IBA. Many of our fondest memories came from the dozens of week long rides in the Southeast. If there were a highlight reel of my motorcycling lifetime, Don would be part of all of those memories. He was my big brother, my hero and the best motorcycle rider I’ve ever known. We share so many wonderful friends today. The thing I fear most right now is the notion that motorcycling may never be the same.

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4 minutes ago, Jim Miller said:



This is an especially difficult post for me, as Don was my brother and closest friend. We’d ridden hundreds of thousands of miles together since our Father introduced us to motorcycling on that memorable Fall day in 1964. We didn’t know it at the time, but that afternoon was a life changing experience for both of us. In the years that followed, we rode everywhere together. It was trail riding at first, but we came of age, driver’s licenses happened and Dad soon got us involved in long distance touring. We shared some genuine, epic adventures on those rides. From Cape Breton Island to the Canadian Rockies and coast to coast across America. We did Iron Butt rides before there was an IBA. Many of our fondest memories came from the dozens of week long rides in the Southeast. If there were a highlight reel of my motorcycling lifetime, Don would be part of all of those memories. He was my big brother, my hero and the best motorcycle rider I’ve ever known. We share so many wonderful friends today. The thing I fear most right now is the notion that motorcycling may never be the same.

I share the very same fear as well Jim.   


Bless you and your family. 



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Jim, I can’t imagine the pain of losing a brother, especially a brother that’s been your lifelong motorcycle enthusiast twin. Nothing right now can be said to lessen your grief. I’m very sorry for your loss. :(

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Man, it's hard to read this. Wish I had a brother like that, but at least Jim had, so that's better than not having experienced all of those memories. Also my condolences to those who knew him, especially those close to him. I asked myself what the heck could have happened that 'crossing a highway' turned fatal to such a seasoned rider. But on the other hand, he died doing what he loved, after having lived (and enjoyed) most of his life, so I'd say he was lucky in that reagard. Didn't have the pleasure to knowing him, but wish I did. RIP, brother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tough stuff to hear... very sorry for  loss of  a great friend to those that knew him.


I did not know him... but, as motorcyclist we are very aware of the risk associated with our hobby.. but, we're also aware of how much color, texture and value this great sport adds to our life...


"A life not lived, is not a life".. from the sounds of it... Don had a great life.


R.I.P. Don.

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I think Mark Barnes said it pretty well in this months MOA Owners News 



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