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Why do you participate in some events and not others?

MT Wallet

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I'm noticing Torrey doesn't make the upcoming events posting on the landing page of the board.  

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10 hours ago, Twisties said:

I'm noticing Torrey doesn't make the upcoming events posting on the landing page of the board.  

Along with some other western events.

Wasn't there a "calendar"?

I don't see one any more...

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Indy Dave
23 hours ago, Groanup said:

Along with some other western events.

Wasn't there a "calendar"?

I don't see one any more...

 Yes we have a calendar - but with one of the board updates, it changed to "Events"




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Indy Dave

I found this board when I got back into riding and was looking for a BMW. I found tons of information and a welcoming community that put up with a lot of newbie posts. Once I bought my 06 RT, I found pictorials and threads on various repairs and service, and all kinds of input about how to make the bike 'my own'. Riding Well was also a popular and active topic.


How far we can come . . :cuz:  I remember when I got my 06, it came with 3 ram mounts. I could not figure at the time how ANYONE needed 3 of those things, and I considered 'farkles' unnecessary and without a real need.


:ohboy: I know!  :ohboy: 


Even as I began to see the light - I'd seen threads on BMWST about the events, but I never really considered them. Finally I did sign up for RIDE SMART, and some wires got crossed and the class didn't have me down as a student. I was really disappointed. Then.... out of nowhere, I get a PM inviting me to come to FART in Asheville, NC. Not only that, my steward (who was riding from MIAMI FLORIDA) suggested we meet in Telico Plains and ride something he called The Cherohala Skyway, and stay in Robinsville in a moto campground where Neil Peart had recently stayed. And from there go on to Asheville for FART. I'd ridden my Kawasaki GPZ 8 hours once to our lake once when I was in college. Other than that, zilch distance or ride planning. And Jake knew none of that, so he really had no idea what he was in for - and neither did I. Had a great time, despite the rain. I do remember Friday waking up and looking out my hotel window - and as predicted, it was pouring! But I see a headlight and a Yellow man on an RT passing by. Yup - you guessed it - BERNIE had the one motorcycle that was riding by the sea of parked water logged bikes. Some things never change. The people at these events are the very best! I don't know what I expected as far as attendees when I went to Asheville, but I was certainly surprised by the warm friendly folks I met, and I had no idea that from that first experience,  I would make so many best friends.


All that to say, I've not missed an ART since. I made my first UN a year or so later at Fontana Dam. The Art's and the Fontana UN were not close to home, but they were a days ride away. About this time I started doing an annual trip with The Clean Living Hoosiers, first to Colorado, then to VT and ME. Those were12 day trips, and in conjunction with The Art's that's all the time I had to spend on myself. Mrs. Indy Dave has 5 weeks of vacation, and I'm already gone for 3!


I signed up for Torry a few times - but the time and ify weather coming from Indiana always got in the way.


When the Clean Living Hoosiers decided to do CA, Oregon and Washington - they were flying and renting and I rode out - I was able to tack on the UN in Palmer Gulch. I was gone a month - and I felt like I didn't have enough time! So The UN worked as I was already on an epic trip that made good use of the time and effort it took to be out there.


By explanation - that's a long winded way of me saying that to do a West Coast Event (for me) - I'm not going to slab it out and back - and it's a long haul just to do that! If I'm going out that way, I'm going to make it worth my while and take 2 or 3 weeks minimum. So the West Coast events for me have to fit into a bigger picture. I already spend 3 weeks a year away on the bike - START and FART take a week each,  plus one more week long trip per season I work in . So really, my dance card is pretty full. Making the UN this year is bending over backwards to make it work. :read: 


I have so much respect and appreciation for the many many folks who are able to make the UN nearly every or every year - no matter where it's held! When anyone from the West  makes it to a East Coast event, we know the divide they have crossed - and it's a huge commitment. And those same riders know all to well the challenges that are overcome when riders from 'our side' make the trek out West to attend events.

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On 2/9/2024 at 9:04 PM, Twisties said:

But that doesn't account for the fact that the western events used to draw 100+ and now they are drawing 20 or less.  

Utt ho, I need to start paying attention... thanks Jan

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I have not read the entire thread, but i came here 21yrs ago after buying my first beemer, and bmwst was welcoming and affordable. made some great friends here and  would try and fit in more UN's except it seems, your wallets are much more well padded then mine, i can come but after converting our cdn pesos to USD  i struggle with some of the choice location costs. allas there are now other demands of my retired time too. Eureka springs was a possible but i needed a more economy stay, and then  my eyes are due for surgery, so not really going fit this summer. hoping next yr looks better.



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