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Is this tyre illegal?


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A friend of mine with an 1150RT has just had it serviced at a very reputable BMW agent in the UK. When he picked it up he was told his rear tyre (a BT020) was illegal in that it didn't have an "E" rating. The dealer went on to explain that because of the weight and performance of the bike the tyres had to have Kevlar reinforce walls and this was indicated by the 'E' mark.


The dealer had replaced the front tyre as part of the service and sure enough, just after the 'Radial' mark on the tyre wall is an "E".


I checked my tyres (also BT020s) only to find a "U" on my rear and the front was just blank.


What are the implications? The dealer sort of indicated that as the tyre was not the correct one for the bike (albeit the correct size etc.) the insurance company could use this to NOT pay out a claim in the event of an accident. Insurance companies will find any slightest reason for not paying won't they?


Not only that though. What are the safety issues? Was the dealer out of order or is there something in this?


I checked the Bridgestone web site for information but found nothing.


Your thoughts?


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Perhaps you have different rules in GB than in the rest of BMW's market but it sounds suspicious to me. Why not contact BMW directly and ask them about this issue.

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Whenever I'm learning something that profoundly different than conventional wisdom while someone is benefiting by my aquiescence, I say check the facts, Jack.


"What are you doing? No no, get off, get off. See you gotta make my bunk. See we're in Italy. The guy on the top bunk has gotta make the guy on bottom bunk's - he's gotta make his bunk all the time. See, it's in the regulations. See, if we were in Germany I would have to make your's, but we're in Italy and you gotta make mine. It's regulations. "

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Bridgestone, and others, will sometimes produce an OEM specific tire for a motorcycle manufacturer and these may have a different product code designation. Their general replacement tire may not have the same product coding, nor will a different tire manufacturer necessarily use the same code.


So long as the tire meets the weight and speed criteria specified on the sticker attached to your frame or in the owner's manual you should be fine. BTW, all modern radial tires use some form of high tech belting material be it Kevlar or something similar.


I could not get load and speed ratings for the rear tires on the Bridgestone US web site for some silly reason. But the specifications for the fronts list no difference between tires used for 1150RT and replacement level skins. Methinks the dealer was off a bit, either misinformed or engaged in a bit of prevarication.

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Perhaps you have different rules in GB than in the rest of BMW's market but it sounds suspicious to me. Why not contact BMW directly and ask them about this issue.

I would do as Myshkin suggests and contact BMW; in addition, I would contact Bridgestone and see what they have to say about the issue. That way you have info from both sources and can educate yourself about this tire issue. If the shop mechanic or owner was wrong, you can call him up and educate him, also.

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The tyre should have a small E-mark on it somewhere to prove it has been type-approved. I would check with a reputable MOT centre in your area or even contact the local

Ministry of Transport centre VOSA . Hope this helps.

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"What are you doing? No no, get off, get off. See you gotta make my bunk. See we're in Italy. The guy on the top bunk has gotta make the guy on bottom bunk's - he's gotta make his bunk all the time. See, it's in the regulations. See, if we were in Germany I would have to make your's, but we're in Italy and you gotta make mine. It's regulations. "


Can't help but luv that line from Stripes thumbsup.gif.

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