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Squid Idiot


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I nearly got me a squid today.  He was Shaqin a fool.


I was in my Tahoe in very heavy Houston traffic doing about 65 mph.  My side is 5 lanes across.  I was in the second lane from the right.  I needed to get over to the far right lane in about a mile.  There was a box truck in that lane and I was slowly overtaking him.  I saw the squid in my rearview mirror coming fast.  I thought he might be a darter.  When I got about front bumper on the box truck I flipped on my right signal.  It was obvious I was headed to the far right lane and I would clear the truck in a couple of seconds.  As soon as I was clear enough to not cut the truck, I started over.  As I was about half established in the right lane ( no shoulder or anywhere else to go on the right), the squid decided to occupy my lane.  He sped up and forced me to either hit him or move back one to the left.  Well wouldn't you know it the lane I was leaving now had a car in it.  I slowed enough to let him pass, but it was close.  He never looked up.  I could see him the rest of time I was on the freeway bobbing and weaving.


You can't ride like that long in this city or you will soon be a grease spot.  Well.....I'm glad I missed him. 


Drive safe...watch your mirrors...there is an idiot somewhere nearby.  

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He needs to learn that Darwin / Lug Nut Rules apply.  Being a rider made me a much better cage driver because I'm looking for way more than I did pre riding.  Good on you for paying more attention / caring more than he did.

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Stupid riders don't surprise me.  In a way, I'm glad that they're NOT in a car, targeting me, the rider.


What really puzzles me is the tunnel vision these idiots seem to develop, both cagers and riders of that type.   it's as though they've never encountered a situation on their bike, or in their car, where the laws of physics might dictate their fate.  No close calls?  No sobering moments?  Running the slot, between trucks, cars, and granny on her rice rocket, and they've never contemplated an "alternate ending" the the adventure they planned?!


In reality, and perhaps our friend @9Mary7 may be able to confirm, or enlighten us, something like 60% of the motoring public are legally under the influence past happy hour.  (That was the statistic back when I was in college in the late 1970's, and I highly doubt that it's improved.  A whole lot of them ARE idiots, because they're stoned outta their minds.

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Had a similar incident a few weeks ago in I95 expressway, outside of Wilmington De. Wall to wall northbound traffic, moving at about 75mph. Very little gaps between cars. We heard this rider before he flashed past us, on the right, and then, cutting in front of us. No need for my wife to slow down, as the bike was moving at a much higher velocity. We watched him squeeze into a small space between an 18 wheeler, and a pick up truck. Amazed that we did not come across an accident further up the road, as his riding was not allowing for any errors, or surprises.

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10 hours ago, BrianT said:

Lug Nut Rule

For y'all, the lug nut rule is: He who has the most lug nuts always wins.

If you already knew then good on ya, it remains one of the constants in my former career:java:


And Scott9999, the sobriety index has got to be higher(pun intended) due to the legalization/normalization of weed. I smell it all the time when I'm driving around.

The stat we taught was that a drunk driver gets caught once for every 250 times they operate UI..............

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9 hours ago, 9Mary7 said:

For y'all, the lug nut rule is: He who has the most lug nuts always wins.

If you already knew then good on ya, it remains one of the constants in my former career:java:


And Scott9999, the sobriety index has got to be higher(pun intended) due to the legalization/normalization of weed. I smell it all the time when I'm driving around.

The stat we taught was that a drunk driver gets caught once for every 250 times they operate UI..............

The rule of thumb in one of my former lines of work was "The law of gross tonnage", i.e. about same principle, about "invincible" kids running their catamaran across the bow of a US Navy destroyer.    They usually won, but sometimes only because we were backing down full bells astern. 😒

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$35 will show (prove) that you weren't operating the grease gun when said squid becomes inevitable proverbial grease spot.


An attorney in a CC seminar recently told us, "We do NOT have a justice system in this country, we have a LEGAL SYSTEM.  Only what you can PROVE is admissable."


A cam in the rear window is a good idea, too.

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1 hour ago, Lowndes said:

A cam in the rear window is a good idea, too.

That might interfere with my shotgun rack :classic_biggrin:

Just googled them out of curiosity.  Looks like they are $130 and up and require 12V.  I might look for one with rechargeable battery that will run 3 hours or so.

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11 hours ago, Skywagon said:

That might interfere with my shotgun rack :classic_biggrin:

Just googled them out of curiosity.  Looks like they are $130 and up and require 12V.  I might look for one with rechargeable battery that will run 3 hours or so.


David, NO, mount it ON your shotgun rack.  Better yet, mount it on an AK on your shotgun rack.


The is a plethora of dash cams out there. For instance:


A low end unit from Walmart.  Bare bones but the specs look ok.  They usually have a few types on the shelf in stores.






A better cam, three views including rear window and inside view.  Motion detection (parking lot bump, break-in), G sensor (crash recording no overwrite), WRD (wide dynamic lighting adjustment).  OK, it's $4.98 over budget.  I'll send you a check.







This is a much better cam: GPS, much better resolution, wifi, phone app, plus the usual.  Chicago company and customer service, too, if you speak Chicago. Only one view.  I have three, only paid $79 ea.  No check.





Amazon has a bunch, too, but the pricing is wacko.


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Thanks. I’ll take a peak. Had never really thought about it before. I should put one on the wife’s car. I drive calmly 100% of the time… don’t speed, stop on yellow, turn signals, let people in…. Drive like an old fart. Wife… not so much. One of her sayings is speed limits and signs are for other people


im curious how many folks here have a dash cam

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