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MOA Getaway -- Emerald Coast, Feb. 18-20


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So, as luck would have it, I learned today that my name was drawn for one of the MOA Grand Coddiwomple post-event prizes.  I won a trip with a guest (registration fees only) to any one of the nine MOA Getaways scheduled this year.  I have conflicts for many of them, and others are too far away, but the first one on the Emerald Coast of FL the third weekend of February looks like a great time to get further south for warmth, riding and good food.  I have never attended one of these.  Do folks here have any thoughts or suggestions?  Anyone here planning to attend?  I include the link below.


Thanks in advance for any feedback.


BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (bmwmoa.org)


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Yeeha Stephen

I'm going. Dragging a riding buddy along with me. 


The Getaways are like any club 3-day weekender. Ride in Friday.... meet n greet over dinner Friday evening.

Saturday, check out the local scene and short rides. 

Saturday evening is dinner with new friends plus a few door prizes and announcements and such.

Sunday Ride home.


I've been to a few and the catered food is pretty good. The cash-bar bartenders are usually a little slow but that gives more time to visit those in line.


I like them, but I usually get some push-back from friends that they are too $$$ and that they can be done for less on your own. 

But i bark back that it's not the point of just $$. I like to support the organizer and the organizer has done all the leg work for you, negotiated a decent hotel rate and brings in a caterer/adult beverage bar and some local knowledge to feed off of.


My $.02






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7 hours ago, BamaJohn said:

Glad to know someone who won a prize...You certainly showed the spirit of competition during Coddiwomple!  

Thanks John.  They only posted results with flag numbers for the public, but participants got to see the names.  I stuck with it enough to finish 27th out of roughly 700 riders who started the process.  I knew I was nowhere near where the top 10 eventually finished, but I had fun with the event!

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