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Is Mondo Motos still around?


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I put a pair of Mondo Moto MM10 auxiliary bullet LEDs on my K1600GT several years ago. They have worked great until a few months ago when one went out. It has an internal short, so I sent an email to the company seeing what they could do for me, even just selling me one if they couldn't find their way to replacing it. (There was no address or phone number on the site.) Well, no response to that or a follow-up email in December. Now, their website has no products on it and indicates that they are available on Ebay. The prior website with the detailed product info returns one of those 404 unavailable errors. :confused:


Does anyone know anything about this company and its status?





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The Rocketman

From ADVRider......

Greetings ADV'rs


Its been a crazy 2016 and more so, past few months for me and I havent been able to devote the time I used to, as well as the time needed to provide the type of service and support that MondoMotos was dedicated too over the years. With 2017 quickly approaching, we are scaling back operations and moving our sales (lights, wiring harnesses, switches, mounts, etc) to ebay. Links on available products\items will be made available via our website as they are stocked.

We will continue to stand behind any possible warranty issues on past sales of the MM10 light kits (1 year from date of purchase).


I dont get over here as much as i'd like too for that reason please use the contact form on our website to get in touch.


Hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays and the New Year brings many GREAT ADVENTURES your way.


As always, Thanks and Ride Safe


(The Toad)




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