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What a crazy week. We were in Denver with our grandkids while Scott and Karen ran a half marathon in Vegas. They got a call that her 49 year old brother was found by the neighbor and was dead. Then our friend of over 40 years who suffered from Alzheimer's for the last 10 years passed this Monday then on Tuesday we found out that our friend who had bone cancer for 8 years was on hospice and his wife also found out that she has breast cancer.


I go have a prostrate biopsy week after next.


But I have so much for which to be thankful.


A loving wife, 3 children married to their first and only spouse, 6 healthy grandchildren. Living in the richest country in the world. Able to do things in retirement that I never thought I would be able to do.


Friends of over 50 years and friends that I have recently met.


And the generosity of others. I was in Panara's in Mt Vernon, IL today and saw a guy headed in (it was rainy and 48 degrees) that was wearing shorts, no coat, no hat and obviously carrying all of his worldly possessions. Before he got in, I gave the cashier $20 and told her I was paying for his meal. Before he got his food, the cashier returned with my $20 and said the Manager had taken care of the meal.


I chatted with him for a while and he is a homeless vet. Gave him my coat and the $20 because he was in need and I wasn't.


I'm not telling you this for any recognition but as a reminder that we all have opportunities, every single day, to pay it forward in response to our bounty.


Tomorrow, our family will have a Thanksgiving meal together. How could we not be thankful.


I know that many of you feel the same way. This board has a history of being responsive to the needs of others.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Thank you Bud.


I am having a nice Thanksgiving vacation with my oldest daughter and her family in NOVA land. Visited the NRA Range and Museum in Fairfax this morning with my son-in-law and grandson.


So many things to be thankful for. Judy, my good friend of 54 years, sweetheart of 33 years and bride of 30 years passed away quietly at our home October 30th. She had suffered for about 6-years with a hideous brain disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and had been bedridden for the last 12 months. She had attended the 2007 Un in WV and the 2011 UN in Little Switzerland, NC. My short time with her has been truly blessed.


Now is the time for me to get closer to our children and grandchildren who have been somewhat neglected for the past few years.


Still have the RT but not sure how much ridding I will be doing. Haven't rode it since July, 2012 when Judy was diagnosed with PSP. Recently replaced the battery and it started up promptly with just one minor fuel leak at a hose clamp. My brother-in-law took it for a short ride. Plan on going over it carefully during the next few months and maybe start riding again in the spring. I'm a little apprehensive about all the distracted drivers and my "old fart" status.


Take care and be thankful for all you have.


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