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2007 R1200RT Side stand switch issues


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I got on the bike this morning fired it up in neutral, kicked up the side stand and put into 1st gear and it died. I got off the bike and the side stand switch seems to be a little loose. I don't remember ever looking at it so I am not sure if there is a cap missing or if the switch should have a little play in it. Here is a photo.


With the side stand up and the bike on the center stand, I pushed the switch down with my finger to seat it. Fired the bike up and it worked. I took the back roads to work so I wouldn't be on the freeway if anything happened. The bike started to surge a little bit, my guess is the switch lost some connection with vibrations.


Anyone know if there is a cap or something missing that keeps the switch seated? Maybe I just need to buy a new switch. Bike Bandit has them for about $130, hopefully they are easy to install. I would prefer not having to replace the whole switch.


Thanks for any advice,






Afternoon Ryan


You are missing the little cir-clip that goes in the little slot just below the head of the pin that goes through the center of the switch.



It is a 6mm cir-clip and very hard to find. Most local auto parts have "e" clips and a quarter inch e-clip works temporarily. At least that is what I am using.




D.R. and Bob,


Thanks for your reply. I looked at a diagram of the switch but it didn't have a view of all the individual parts. I will try to order the clip,


Take Care!


Afternoon Ryan


Actually you need the small washer also. (clip & washer)



Guest Kakugo

Washer is an ordinary M6x20; you can get it from hardware stores carrying metric or order it from BMW: 07119904427

The circlip/stopper ring is an ordinary M6x0,7 one. BMW part number is 07119903479.


If they are asking more than a couple of dollars (a robbery, but OE bolts, nuts and sundries are bloody expensive regardless of brand) they must be made of gold.


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