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simple ipod controller?


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Hi all. Been away from the forum for awhile, but back asking questions. I am in need of a simple ipod controller, wired or rf. I really just want volume up/down, and song skip, but would be happy with other features.


I have been using a wired IPOD FM tuner attachment with very small buttons. OK for my hands, but not gloveable, so I would like something with larger buttons. Also I may upgrade my Gen 3 Nano and I don't think the FM radio remote will work on an IPOD touch, not sure about with the full size IPOD.


There is a Scosche brand of remote I saw on the net but don't think its very waterproof, and the buttons look pretty small - more for in car use.


Any advice from out there as to what you use to skip the annoying songs your swmbo put on your playlist?




I use a Scosche remote with my nano. I don't know if it's water proof either. I keep my ipod with the "dongle" inside my jacket and the remote controller in the map pocket of my tank bag. Works like a charm rain or shine!


I have a Scosche that I've used for several years. My controller came with a sports wrist band that I wrap to the left handlebar. Never suffered any ill effects from weather. My experience was mixed with this setup. The controls for me were very erratic. Sometimes I could get the ipod to start/stop, sometimes not. Sometimes the volume/track change worked, other times not. In general it was pretty frustrating. I've since moved on to a Zumo 660 with an SD card where I store my music. The Zumo is much easier to control as a music source.


I have a Monster Cable remote that I have used for years. It seems pretty water proof and is easy to use with gloves on. It came with a big wrist strap and outer case on it. I took off all the extra bulk and got it down to the bare controller. I then used heavy duty velcro and found a place on the bikes dash for it. It workes great. I am not sure if they still make it or not as I had a hard time looking it up. I did find where Amazon had it in stock for order. Good luck.




The Scosche controller works very well and has a feature most simple controllers do not, and that is the ability to select playlists. I find this capability very important as it allows me to go back and forth between an audiobook and music (for example) without having to fiddle with the player.


It is not technically waterproof but seems to be fairly water resistant, mine is still going strong after several years with no particular care. The buttons are a little small but I have no problems using them with gloves.


Danny caddyshack Noonan
I have a Monster Cable remote that I have used for years.

Got to force the earplug pin into its hole when the iclick is in the ipod socket but, it works great.





+1 I had an earlier iJet remote, which worked pretty well, but the receiver blocked the audio jack of my new iPod nano, so I needed a new remote. I found this bigger, more waterproof iJet remote, and it works great! The larger buttons are much easier to use with gloves on. I never missed a button push.


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