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Tech Day, etc. on YouTube

Peter Parts

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Just surfaced this weekend, a YouTube video by my friend Fraser of a Toronto Airheadz tech day. We used to do whole engine teardowns on a nice afternoon.


Second half shows scenes from the Trenton, Ontario, BMWMOA rally of 2002. The Airheadz rented that big tent for the rally, you see around the middle of the video. Outfitted with a dozen stuffed chairs from the local Goodwill store. Quite a hoot.


There's a quick peek at the Toronto Airheadz black tee-shirt and logo. Looks like a well-know skull biker logo but a closer look shows it is clearly BMW!


Who is the big guy walking with the gorgeous wife right at the end, saying something about "Two-bucks..."? Can't be the same guy as in the canvas (Tilley) hat right at the beginning showing the newbie how to remove the transmission using only a vice-grip pliers and chewing gum?



Anybody living in the greater-Toronto region with a /2, Airhead, or even later machine, should join us.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Peter Parts

Who is the big guy walking with the gorgeous wife right at the end, saying something about "Two-bucks..."? Can't be the same guy as in the canvas (Tilley) hat right at the beginning showing the newbie how to remove the transmission using only a vice-grip pliers and chewing gum?





OK, I admit it is me and my charming wife.




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