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Anyone use 3M vinyl to cover bike?


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If you have never done vinyl wraps before you will most likely be disappointed with the results. It's not that easy. Get out the rattle can and have at it!

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You'll have problems getting the vinyl to go around the curves without wrinkling/creasing. My 1100RT is black and I have wide fluorescent stripes around the sides of the fairing on the flatish areas which works ok but once you get to the compound curved areas its a problem, as said earlier, rattle can might be better!



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Someone I know did his f650cs - Scarver in carbon-like foil. If you are interested, I can get pics.


AFAIK, there are 2 types - thickness wise, for interior like car dashes and exterior, like hoods, etc. Don't go for the thinner one, even if it's easier to bend around corners ;)



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For years I rode black bikes and black leathers and had up to two near misses per long trip from left turn cars. Now I ride a silver bike with yellow gear and helmet. I have a little over 100,000 miles on that bike and NO near misses from left turn cars. Plus when I had black bikes I had TWO cars back into my parking spot and knock my bike over with tail light etc. damage. Don't get me wrong there are still some close calls but the unbelievable, to me, left turn drivers who almost hit me and NEVER SAW ME AT ALL just don't seem to happen. Some nitwits that I formerly chased down claimed that it never happened? I had one girl who was combing her hair, talking on the phone, drinking coffee, and DRIVING A CAR miss me by inches and deny the whole thing. Left Hand with coffee cup was steering, phone clamped to ear by shoulder, comb in right hand, and turning left????

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Ok well my bike is factory black now. I ordered $24 worth of the 3m 1080 stuff tonight plus the adhesive for tight curves. I am going to start with the front wheel fender. I figure thats one of the harder spots. I will give it a try. Hey I love my RT but I also have a creative side. I envy that of the harley guys. I am going to take a stab at what I think is cool. I once built a 70 GTO judge and listened to everyone who told me to paint it original. After 4 years of work and completion I decided to sell it because I hated the color. If I would have went orbit orange I still would have it. I learned to create what I like not what others like. I do appreciate the concern for my safety, very valid. But its already black!

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Science says- black is the hardest color to see.


I trade "cool" for ugly but visible. My dayglo aerostich, my white or red helmet, lots of reflection.


Plus, the RTP always gets drivers attention.


Just a thought..

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I like the idea, please post your progress and take plenty of pictures. If $24 worth will cover an RT it is considerably less expensive than paint and if you dont like it would be easier to "undo".


Also, what is your source for the vinyl? I have an extra set of bodywork for my S and RS both and would like to experiment.

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No I ordered $24 worth to just do the front fender to start. I figure close to $100 for the whole bike. The product can stay on 4 years and peeled of without harm to original paint. The 1080 is relativily new and releases air bubbles through its skin. So NO AIR BUBBLES. I used EBAY to order. Make sure you get 1080 by 3M. I dont know if it will work but I am going to give it a shot. Its a good father son project. If it dont work I will just peel it off, no harm and at the most out $100. Cant put a price on father son time.

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It's your bike and do what you want, BUT.

Cage drivers don't look for you, only when they notice you do they not pull out on front of you or hit you.

I have had more close calls on my old black Honda than any of my brite colored bikes.

Now all my jackets are red and helmets yellow or red. With reflective tape on the cases.

Flat black does look cool but only when it's not laying on it's side.

Now I ride RT1100 cop bike and it gets noticed all the time and I get much more room to ride....

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No I ordered $24 worth to just do the front fender to start. I figure close to $100 for the whole bike. The product can stay on 4 years and peeled of without harm to original paint. The 1080 is relativily new and releases air bubbles through its skin. So NO AIR BUBBLES. I used EBAY to order. Make sure you get 1080 by 3M. I dont know if it will work but I am going to give it a shot. Its a good father son project. If it dont work I will just peel it off, no harm and at the most out $100. Cant put a price on father son time.


You are 100% right on the father son time!



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Well Dave from England there is illegal and then there is illegal here in Montana.


Lots of things are illegal but there is no enforcement unless there is an accident associated here. Montana is big, law officers few, which leads to a known, and appreciated (by me), laxity in some areas (i.e. speed limit, camping, shooting, crossing the median etc.!). But, in the final analysis, you really cannot fix STUPID.


To get back to the original topic. Even if your bike is black, your clothes and helmet don't have to be. Watch where you park though as a Matte Black Bike in the dark is not very visible. Heck they hit black angus cattle here a lot and they are much bigger than a bike! Usually the bike is history as are a lot of cars and pickups! I have almost done it myself. I once almost did not see a flat black HD Nightrider? bike that blew an intersection in front of me either, it was partially hidden by ornamental trees coming up on the intersection but still.... I guess that was ONE good thing about riding the blacked out , it does teach you to be real carefull.

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  • 1 month later...

Ikimura- that turned out amazingly well!

Would you like to share any tips on vinyl covering? You're the de facto expert here!


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Lots of little stuff to do, but I want to ride now. I was thinking of blackening out the forks and wheels also. 3m 1080 is amazing stuff. The mirrors were very tricky. I ended up using two pieces and have a seem on the bottom. The big side panels were not that big of a deal but I had to cut cut out on the right side because I couldnt mold the vinyl into the top airvent opening. When working with this product you need patience. It was somewhat difficult putting it on the panels while off the bike. You will need help for holding and using the hair dryer. Lesson-allways cut the piece larger than what you think. You can litterly put on and peel off this stuff 50 times. the adhesive doesnt get bad. Be careful about over stretching. If a mistake of wrinkle is made, just peel it off and blow dry. It will remove the wrinkle so you can do over.

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I bought vinyl to to cover a car before I has my bike. I'm glad to see this. I think I'll cover the bike too!. Great work tips welcomed given all the compound curves

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Thanks for the completment. I would like to see others do this so I myself can get more ideas. I plan on doing the whole fleet of our trucks in this. We are opening a Tatical gun building buisness and would like to advertise our logo on matte black or grey trucks. My whole bike took $103 to complete. Better than a spray bomb because I can take it all off in less than a hour. Now I am going to get totally zanny and mount all three guns I use for three gun shoots on the Beemer. An AR15 in back on the right, a tatical 870 shotgun in back on the left and a 1911 mounted to the tank. I have to get a sticker that says "smile for the flash"!


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Thanks for the completment. I would like to see others do this so I myself can get more ideas. I plan on doing the whole fleet of our trucks in this. We are opening a Tatical gun building buisness and would like to advertise our logo on matte black or grey trucks. My whole bike took $103 to complete. Better than a spray bomb because I can take it all off in less than a hour. Now I am going to get totally zanny and mount all three guns I use for three gun shoots on the Beemer. An AR15 in back on the right, a tatical 870 shotgun in back on the left and a 1911 mounted to the tank. I have to get a sticker that says "smile for the flash"!

Giving some competition to RJF eh!


I'm in the Army but like the stealth helmet graphics as well.

Did you print your own stickers? if so with what printer and material.


I read up a bit before buying the vinyl. When I saw people putting it on Lamborghini's and other six figure cars, I figure it couldn't hurt my Nissan Sentra that is need of a paint job.

I'm like you as long as it doesn't hurt whats underneath I see it as a protection for the bike until I decide to paint it.

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Thanks for the completment. I would like to see others do this so I myself can get more ideas. I plan on doing the whole fleet of our trucks in this. We are opening a Tatical gun building buisness and would like to advertise our logo on matte black or grey trucks. My whole bike took $103 to complete. Better than a spray bomb because I can take it all off in less than a hour. Now I am going to get totally zanny and mount all three guns I use for three gun shoots on the Beemer. An AR15 in back on the right, a tatical 870 shotgun in back on the left and a 1911 mounted to the tank. I have to get a sticker that says "smile for the flash"!


I'm about to order a small sample from an ebay vendor to cover my new garrishly not-black laptop. If I can do that, I'd love to try my bike next.


If you don't mind, it would be great to know which vendor you purchased the material from and how much material you bought/used.


The bike looks great, by the way! :thumbsup:

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I used 3m clear stick on to cover tank so tank bag would not rub paint off, when i sold bike, i just pulled it off and paint was perfect

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I ordered some of the vinyl stickers on EBAY and some my son made for me on a laser engraver at school. I am seing some issues from my install. I would fully wrap around all edges rather than cut them flush. I am getting minor pullback were I didnt fully wrap. 3m sells a product for corners, like a coditioner/glue. I bought it and didnt use it (wish I had used it). All in all so far so good with 300 miles on. As far as a vendor- just look for 3m 1080 with the best price and feedback.

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