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He was wearing what?!?


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I saw something so bizarre today that I actually did a Bugs Bunny -style double take. I was so taken aback by it that I didn't notice a thing about the bike. What was so unusual, you ask? The rider, fully dressed, was wearing …................a Halloween mask, specifically, a clown mask and sunglasses. No helmet, just the mask. Apparently the Joker rides. At least bugs won't be a problem.

Now I'm on the lookout for someone wearing an old-style hockey mask. Would that count towards ATGATT?

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Wearing a mask while riding/driving is common in areas where photo radar and red light cameras are located.

Wearing masks on a public road is illegal in FL.





A full face helmet and a dark shield would not be any different, near as I can tell. We don't have front plates here......The cameras (That were recently shut down) take picture from the back only.

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