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R1200RT ABS Problems - Pump Constantly Activated


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I have an 06 RT1200 which has recently developed a fault where the ABS pump constantly runs when the ignition is on.


I have checked both brake switches and they appear free and no brake light is showing. I've called the local main dealer who managed to diagnose over the phone thats its likely to be expensive even though they admitted the had no idea what could be causing the problem (no surprise there).


Has anyone else encountered any simular problems?


Morning Fatbloke


Welcome to the board.


Well the obvious thing to look at on your I-ABS system would a be a brake light switch sticking on, or a broken wire in one of the brake light switch circuits. But that usually also leaves the brake light on.


So, first thing to check is that even with the pump continuously running-- see if the brake light comes on when you operate front brake lever or rear pedal. If the brake light works from the lever or pedal then you are probably looking at an internal controller problem with either the pressure sensor or the internal power relay.



If the brake light doesn't come on then use a meter & actually verify that both of your brake light switches are actually working electrically.


Otherwise you will probably need to get a dealer computer on your brake system to read the stored failure codes, or get access to a GS-911 & read the codes yourself.



Thanks dirtrider


Brakes light appears fine when activating both front and rear brakes. Someone on another forum has mentioned a faulty ABS control relay but I cannot find one listed in the ABS control module schematics.


I know the dealer is going to try and screw me for a new controller so I am desperately hoping someone can come up with an alternative idea as I don't have £2000 to pay their bill.


Morning Fatbloke



That external power relay is on the older ABS-2 system, your later I-ABS system has an internal relay inside the ABS controller (non removable).


If your brake lights work OK then that that pretty well clears the external switches & wiring. Your problem sounds internal to the controller but without any failure codes to point a finger you are really working in the dark.



If you can live without ABS you can convert your braking system to a standard non powered non ABS system with a couple of older brake light switches & a few brake line fittings, or a reverse logic brake light relay & only a few brake line fittings. (check in the archives here as a few including my self have made the conversion from I-ABS to conventional brakes)


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