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Setting up my intercom, can this be done?


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So my new to me K1200GT came with a Baehr Verso XL intercom. All very nicely installed at the dealer. It aslo came with a Garmin Zumo 550. The zumo currently only has the audio out into the intercom. There are 2 wires coming out from under the seat for the driver and passenger to plug into, and the bike came with 2 helmets with headsets installed. Luckily my girlfriend fits the nicer helmet that had a headset installed. I pulled the headset out of the bad helmet to put into mine but started thinking if that would work well for me. So here is what I want to do:


1-Be able to communicate to my passenger

2-Be able to listen to the GPS

3-Be able to accept and talk on the phone through the Zumo

4-Be able to contiue listening through earbuds instead of helmet speakers.


I realize I may need to buy a new headset in order to achieve number 4 but not certain what I need and who? Does Edsets make one thats compatible and allows me to achieve item 4?


I am not sure but is there a different cable that would allow number three to happen? Do I need a mic splitter from Edsets? or is there a different way. I am not sure how the intercom would process this.


I have never used an intercom all my life, no need since I ride solo.....but now my girlfriend likes to ride. I figured since I already have the intercom then I should give it a try.


You really don't like me do you?


You prove that a horse can be led to water.....


To my knowledge, No. But there is still some inventory out there.


Ear buds can be made to work. The limits involve single ended output and power. You may have to experiment with different resistance, but a resistor in series with your ear buds will allow you to disipate some power as heat rather than overdriving the ear buds. You would connect L-, R- and Ground for ear buds using a common ground.


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