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Christmas spam(not the canned variety)


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150 plus emails collected in my IPS junk mail folder each day. Take a few days off from logging on and damn it fills up fast. Most emails appear to be from similar or the same spam address. All are for some male enhancement pill. I wonder how much cheaper my internet access would be if this crap wasn't out there taking up space?

I wonder how much cheaper my internet access would be if this crap wasn't out there taking up space?


Probably at least as cheap and efficiant the USPS would be if they did away with junk mail :P:rofl:

All are for some male enhancement pill.


After your first order arrives, please write a ride report. :dopeslap::rofl:



missed ya.

Good to see you back in the saddle.





Likewise Tim. Been working on a special project and doing some traveling.


Usually around 80-90% of all email on the Internet is spam.


I use a service called Spam Cop to report them. Doesn't do any good if they're from a slimeball source like Russia or Nigeria, but reputable ISPs will close them down.


You may be interested in the special pants I am marketing. They are just for those that take advantage of both the weight loss and male enhancement products available in spammail.

The pants have strikingly small waists, along with an unusually large crotch pocket.


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