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'Bam a nother candle


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Thanks for all the kind wishes. We're off with our two girls from Finland to Mikado Japanese Steak House for supper. They've never been to such a restaurant, so it'll be fun.


Now, if only that K1600GT will be in the garage when we get home. :Cool:

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Now, if only that K1600GT will be in the garage when we get home. :Cool:


I'm having it washed after I got the first service done. You owe me big for doing the initial break-in on it for you.


Of course, by break-in, I mean track day...


Happy birthday my friend.

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Now, if only that K1600GT will be in the garage when we get home. :Cool:


As remarkable as the k16 has been so far, I doubt it could get me to Jacksonville before your return. Bummer!! :( Hey Danny, happy Birthday anyway! :thumbsup:




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o dANNY bOY - happy birthday to ya...it has been waaaaaaaaay too long, what -- 2008 in John Friggin'Day...ON THE LAST NIGHT..?!!?!?!


c'mon man....spread da love.!

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