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pickup driver tries to kill motorcyclist


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Joe Frickin' Friday
You guys should see how this "issue" is being discussed on another forum I'm on... A Cruiser forum. Everyone their is talking how they "all-carry" and when the trucker got out of his truck, they would have killed him...


This would put them in prison for a long time for first-degree murder. This is either internet/armchair bravado, or these riders are people with empty lives who have absolutely nothing to lose (why else would you plan to kill a guy who is not a present threat to your life?).


In either case, these don't sound like folks I'd want to spend any time with.

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I hope that if they would kill the guy that they then would not post the video to YouTube :grin:


Can't say it'd surprise me, though :smirk:

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Joe, I agree.. it is just crazy.. you can't believe the posts on there... I am shocked at the level of violence, gun justification that is bandied about. I don't know if you could read the link I posted.. but it is just out of control... and yes, it really makes me take "pause" about these people. Nutz...

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"Since when is death the penalty for speeding?" Your question.


Answer: Ask any of the family members of those motorcyclists who have lost control due to excess speed (above the speed limit) that have crashed and died.


Too ofter we forget that a simple careless action can have deadly consequences. Not always, but the possibility is always there.

My first ambulance call coming out of EMT school was just that. Two buddies racing down the road together at night and arrived at a T intersection. One stopped before crossing the intersection by locking them up & low-siding down the street into the trees on the side of the road. The other stopped when his bike hit a steel bar gate leading to a small park that was closed for the night - no skid marks whatsoever. Only injuries were a broken ankle....and a crushed heart that impacted the bar at 100mph. Had to do CPR on him for over 20 minutes waiting for the medical examiner to come declare him.


BTW, it's also sometimes the penalty for jaywalking, over-eating, under-eating, swimming, driving cars, walking, standing still and running with scissors. All but the last have been in the back of my ambulance so no, I'm not suggesting that this is an appropriate penalty, not calling it a punishment and not saying there's anything fair about why sometimes physics/gravity/whatever bites you in the ass & sometimes it doesn't. But it can and it's a good thing to remember when you kiss the wife & kids goodnight or even goodbye for the day on the way to work.

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Jerry in Monument

Guess what?


The penalty of life is death.


No one gets out alive.


But that doesn't mean we have to attempt to accelerate it.

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I know. Some of these stories are not at all unlike the ones non-bikers tell me about everyday it seems. "My nephews cousins brothers wife's son's friend's next door neighbor was on a motorcycle and... (here it comes, you know some gruesome story is about to be unfurled as though I as a motorcyclist have never heard such nonsense)... he crashed and a telephone pole fell on him and then a few trucks ran him over and then Jesus came back in the rapture and landed smack on him and then he went to hell for speeding even though he was parked at the time and...:smirk:

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