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N.E. Region Breakfast At Toymakers Cafe, Sunday May 22,


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Where: 85a Main St. Falls Village, CT.


When: 9am Sunday May, 22 2011


Why: Sweet Potato waffles to die for. With old friends and maybe new friends. Interested just chime in here. Hope to see you there.

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When: 9am Sunday May, 22 2011

Bummer...Minuteman1000 is wrapping up then, gonna be in Northampton (assuming nothing goes horribly wrong) :(
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I can't make it. I'm a little too far west.


Tough work but somebody has to do it! ;) Have fun out there Kathy! :wave:


Ray, i'll be there! :thumbsup:




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75 & mostly sunny! That will work with waffles or bacon or eggs or...might just try the menu. :grin:




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I believe I am double booked not including this meet. :cry:


Not sure if you have a planned ride or not. You may want to ride over and take a peak at this event. :thumbsup:


Have a fun ride !

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Looks like you timed the ride right for the weather :thumbsup: ... and there's no rapture in sight... :grin:


Was hoping I would be able to break away, but it'll have to be next time. :( Enjoy the ride and the waffles! :wave:

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It never fails. I'm out of town and someone is in Canandaigua :dopeslap:


Hope ya'll had a nice time! I'll be home Wed or Thur depending on the storms. :wave:

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The rules are the rules. ;) It did happen! :grin:



Ray, Pat & Mitch.



My Joker shot of a nice 8 5 1 at the cafe.



Wildlife sightings were fifteen Deer, one Moose & five hundred Hogs. Luckily the Hogs stopped at Brodie Mountain ski area for lunch. :grin:


Ray, thanks for the invite! :thumbsup: Hopfully see ya at Lake George in June.



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