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Cost of War


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I found it highly ironic that the same folks who castigated us for entering Iraq & then attempting regime change there were the first to call for our involvement in Libya...the calls from the Arab world for "where is the US" were especially hypocritical...and despite the vocal support of the Arab League, it appears they don't want to spend more than words - only Qatar has sent any ordinance. I also wonder why Ghaddafi's slaughter of people is morally different than Hussein's or why we have an interest in stopping it but have just been hanging around watching Darfur. If I were cynical I might observe that Darfur doesn't have any real natural resources of interest.


For us to be suggesting that "turning command over" to NATO is different than running it ourselves is sophistry at best. Thinking that France is remotely capable of managing.this without it turning into Algeria revisited is also wishful thinking.


Where's Clark Kent when you need him? :)

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Were Clark Kent an administrator of this forum, he'd probably lock this thread about now.


***Remember our stand against politics, people***


Before long, within the next 3 threads, this conversation would typically stray completely off topic and degrade into it's own little costly war.

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(In before the lock!)

uh oh. I just realized this might be politics & not current events/world affairs like the Japanese situation. Apologies beforehand if anyone took my comments as advocating any specific position in the conflict or as a reflection on any political party including France (in fairness I could have pointed out our performance in these affairs hasn't exactly been outstanding in the last 50 years either).
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Were Clark Kent an administrator of this forum, he'd probably lock this thread .
There was a comic in the papers yesterday about phone booths & who cared that they've disappeared...and there was a pic of Clark in the background. Just one more casualty of technology - pesky cell phones everywhere. The kids in the comic wanted to know what a telephone booth was - it occurred to me that my kids have never seen one.


I wonder what else our kids are going to grow up never having seen that we took for granted or thought was amazing...things like VCRs are almost gone...no more dial phones...TVs without remote controls...antennas on rooftops...


Damn I'm old!

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There was a comic in the papers yesterday about phone booths & who cared that they've disappeared...and there was a pic of Clark in the background. Just one more casualty of technology - pesky cell phones everywhere. The kids in the comic wanted to know what a telephone booth was - it occurred to me that my kids have never seen one.


It sounds kind of weird but I have this thing that whenever I travel, I get my picture taken in phone booths when I see them. I has to do with an ad I was that used a phone booth in way back when I was a product manager. Nothin to do with the topic but at least it's not political! :)


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Still, nice to know that Superman wears good protective gear with all that flying around he tends to do. That hi-viz yellow ought to make him real visible to aircraft as well :grin:

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